Keel Watson


Roadkill tells the story of Den, a middle-aged convict from inner-city London, as he reflects upon his past and the events that led to his incarceration over twenty years ago.
La flauta mágica
Second Armed Man
Adaptación cinematográfica de la famosa ópera de Mozart. En vísperas de la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918), Tamino emprende un arriesgado viaje en busca del amor, la luz y la paz, en medio de un mundo oscuro y siniestro, con el fin de liberar a Pamina, la adorable hija de la Reina de la Noche, que ha sido secuestrada por el malvado Sarastro. El destino de los jóvenes amantes puede determinar la suerte de las naciones y la vida de millones de personas.
The Cunning Little Vixen
An adaptation of Leos Janacek's opera Prihody Lisky Bystrousky (1925), based on the novel Liska Bystrouska by Rudolf Tesnohlidek. It follows the life of Sharp-Ears, a fox who is captured by a forester as a cub and raised in his home prior to escaping back into the forest.
Street Scene
Henry Davis
The opera takes place on the doorstep of a tenement on the East Side of Manhattan on two brutally hot days in 1946. The story focuses on two plotlines: the romance between Rose Maurrant and her neighbor Sam Kaplan; and on the extramarital affair of Rose's mother, Anna, which is eventually discovered by Rose's irritable father, Frank. The show portrays the ordinary romances, squabbles and gossips of the neighbors, as the mounting tensions involving the Maurrant family eventually build into a tragedy of epic proportions. Broadcast on BBC Two on New Years Day, 1993, this production was performed by the English National Opera and conducted by James Holmes.