Whitman Chambers


The Come On
A con woman tries to swindle her partner-in-crime husband with the help of one of her former marks. But is she to be trusted?
The Come On
A con woman tries to swindle her partner-in-crime husband with the help of one of her former marks. But is she to be trusted?
Special Agent
A California railroad agent hunts two brothers for murder and robbing a payroll express.
La maltratada
Merl Kramer trabaja como taquígrafa para un psiquiatra. La joven se está viendo con Karl Benson, un detective privado y ex policía. Merle menciona de pasada que uno de los pacientes de su jefe es un escritor que tiene sueños recurrentes en los que asesina a su esposa, quien es dueña de una valiosa colección de joyas. Cuando la esposa del escritor es hallada muerta de manera idéntica a la del sueño de su marido, éste se convierte en el primer sospechoso. Pero a medida que avanza la investigación de la policía y de Joe Cooper, el investigador de la compañía aseguradora de las joyas, varias personas se irán incorporando al círculo de sospechosos, incluida la propia Merl...
Blonde Ice
A golddigging femme fatale leaves a trail of men behind her, rich and poor, alive and dead.
Big Town After Dark
A crusading newspaper reporter battles big-city gambling interests.
Jungle Flight
Kelly Jordan and Andy Melton are former AAF fliers operating a cargo service over the South American mountain ranges in order to get enough money to return to Texas and buy a commercial line.
I Cover Big Town
Radio Play
One of the four films in the Pine-Thomas series based on radio's long-running "Big Town." This time out, society editor Lorelei Kilbourne is assigned to the police beat. Her paper, "The Illustrated Press", following its usual policy of socially-correct muckraking by crusading editor Steve Wilson, is putting heat on the chief of police. But Lorelei believes the chief is qualified to do the job. She and managing editor Steve Wilson, who, in the film series, is wrong more often than right, discover a corpse and then proceed to help the police solve the crime.
Shadow of a Woman
Brooke's marital life with Eric takes a downturn when she starts suspecting that her husband is starving his son from a prior marriage to death in order to claim his inheritance.
Tener y no tener
Segunda Guerra Mundial. Harry Morgan y su compañero Eddie son dos marineros que están en la isla de Martinica, esperando inútilmente que algún barco los contrate. Al final, se verán obligados a trabajar para la Resistencia.
Sinner Take All
A young lawyer is determined to identify who is murdering members of a wealthy New York publishing family.
Murder on the Campus
A popular young student finds herself accused of a series of murders that have occurred on the college campus. Her boyfriend, a reporter for the local newspaper, knows she didn't do it, and and sets out to prove her innocence and catch the real killer.