Baijaku Nakamura

Baijaku Nakamura


Baijaku Nakamura


Ichikei’s Crow Special
Kawazoe Hiroshi
Adapted from the manga "Ichikei no Karasu” (イチケイのカラス) by Asami Rito (浅見理都). This special is a sequel to the movie of the same name.
Zenzaemon Kotani
Kotani Zenzaemon, a ronin who has a side job making brushes in a tenement house in the back alley, is watching Omine, who lives with him, from Kichizo, a resident of the same tenement house and a boatman. is asked to Kichizo and Mine have eloped and got married, but she feels empty in her boring daily life, and she wants to take a break by crossing the bridge over the river. On the other hand, Kichizo forbids him from crossing the bridge, fearing that his whereabouts will be known to others. Zenzaemon superimposes the appearance of these two people on the appearance of his former self and his wife, whom he killed himself.
Last of the Wolves
Takayuki Seshima
After Shogo Ogami’s death in Hiroshima, Detective Shuichi Hioka successfully implemented Shogo Ogami’s plan, which was to control the yakuza to prevent further gang wars and save innocent people from getting harmed. Shuichi Hioka manages the criminal organizations, but, due to one evil person who gets released from prison, the situation drastically changes.
Kisou 235 II
A connection is found between a string of arsons and a 12 year old murder.
One samurai is ordered to kill another by their master in punishment.
Black Lizard
Iwane: Sword of Serenity
Iwane Sakazaki returns to his homeland and gets caught in the middle of an incident that results in the tragic death of two of his best friends from childhood. He decides to leave his domain, parting with his fiancée Nao, and becomes a vagrant masterless samurai with nothing more to lose. Iwane drifts to Edo, filleting eels during the day and working as a bodyguard at night for Imazuya, a reputable money exchanger. He gradually wins the trust of the people around him because of his mellow nature, the chivalrous way he treats everyone with courtesy, and his skills of swords. One day, he learns that Imazuya is being targeted in a conspiracy to sabotage a new monetary system implemented by the government, and Iwane decides to protect the people who have given him support.
Kishu Hanshu Yoshimune
Before Tokugawa Yoshimune, known as the "Ravage Shogun", was the lord of the Kishu domain, before he became the shogun! Yoshimune hides his identity and begins an investigation in the city of Edo in order to find out who he really is. As he grows up, he ends up throwing himself into a turmoil involving the shogunate... This is an entertainment historical drama in which a young 21-year-old named Yoshimune solves the problems of the common people in the city and goes around dealing with merchants and powerful people plotting evil deeds.
Kohaku no yume
a TV drama special based on the life of SUNTORY's founder Shinjiro Torii
Designated Lawyer
Fuminori Mitsuzuka
Suspicions fall on politician Tagane Seizo over the sale of nationally owned land to a social welfare service corporation back in 2010. Seizo Tagane is then given immunity for his testimony, but people become furious that he was not going to be prosecuted. A committee of prosecutors meets and concludes that Seizo Tagane should be prosecuted. An outstanding lawyer Yui Hitotsugi takes the prosecutor's position in the case with the help of the prosecutor Tachibana.
Neck bowed in the rain
Genshichi Shirasuka
Baijaku Nakamura takes the lead in a film where he has to dodge pursuit from a hostile gang whilst also helping out a family of innocent people who run a noodle store. More importantly, this was one of Ren Osugi’s last films.
Kids on the Slope
Tsutomu Mukae
La historia gira en torno a Nishimi Kaoru, un estudiante de primer año de Preparatoria que tiene que mudarse a Sasebo, en Nagasaki, para vivir con sus familiares después de que su padre muera. Allí conoce a sus compañeros de clase, Kawabuchi Sentaro, que es temido por todos porque tiene aspecto de delincuente, y Mukae Ritsuko, que es amiga de la infancia de Sentaro. A través de ellos, se enamora del piano y las técnicas de jazz. Por otro lado, Kaoru se ve envuelto en un cuadrado amoroso, pues se enamora de Ritsuko, pero ella está enamorada de Sentaro, quien a su vez está enamorado de Fukahori Yurika, una estudiante de 2º curso.
Guard Center 24
The Security Guard Center sets the stage for this drama that stars Mamoru Shinomiya, a newly-hired emergency responder. Together with his brilliant colleagues, all of whom have colorful personalities, they tackle one emergency after another with flying colors and restore the safety and security of their clients and the public.
Inspector Souichi Habu 4 ~The Man Called Poisonous Habu~
The mischievous adventures of the historical Zen monk Ikkyu as a child.
Hara-Kiri: Muerte de un samurái
Jinnai Chijiiwa
Deseando morir con dignidad, Hanshiro, un samurái sin recursos pide realizar un ritual de suicidio en la residencia del clan Li, cuyo director es Kageyu, un guerrero obstinado. Tratando de desalentarlo, Kageyu le cuenta la trágica historia de Motome, un joven ronin, que llegó solicitando lo mismo. Remake en 3D de la película homónima de Masaki Kobayashi (1962), con Tatsuya Nakadai en el papel principal.
Usagi Drop
Minoru Kawachi
Cuando Daikichi, un hombre de 30 años, vuelve a casa por el funeral de su abuelo, conoce a Rin, la hija ilegítima de su abuelo con una mujer desconocida, una niña de 6 años. La niña es una vergüenza para todos los familiares y nadie se preocupa por ella. Daikichi, molesto por la actitud de sus familiares, decide quedarse a cargo de Rin, a pesar de ser soltero y no tener experiencia con los niños. Mientras Rin se convierte en parte de su vida, Daikichi descubre lo duro que es criar a un niño él solo.
Code of the Bandits
Bandit leader "Night Rabbit" Kakuemon has always kept the rule to "never kill, never rape, never steal from the poor", passed down to him by the gang's previous leader. He has never been arrested, and for that, he always thought he would have a peaceful death. But one day, after talking to a young one-armed homeless girl, he decides to break up his gang and turn himself in.
Free and Easy 20: Final
Free and Easy 18
Hama-chan goes to Okayama to look for Su-san when he goes missing a few days after freezing up during his inaugural speech as the company chairman.
Akanezora Beyond the Crimson Sky
A young tofu maker, Eikichi comes from Kyoto to open a tofu shop in a friendly neighborhood. He meets there a feisty local girl Ofumi who befriends him as he sets up his shop, Kyo-ya and in spite of the difficulties stemming from cultural differences between the two ancient capitals including the favored taste of tofu itself, they eventually marry and become the owner of a tofu shop on a more respectable street. Behind the rock-solid business of Kyo-ya, their son, Eitaro bears the brunt of other tofu shops' animosity toward Kyo-ya's refusal to comply with Edo's way of running business and starts to frequent a gambling hall run by the mysterious "Boss", which throws the family into a critical situation that threaten to pull them apart...
Nobunaga's Coffin
Toyotomi Hideyoshi
Free and Easy 17
Yumiko returns to work in Hama-chan's department. She had once left the company after getting married, but a dark shadow now seems to loom over her.
Free and Easy 16
Hama-chan meets a friendly US soldier on a trip to Nagasaki with Su-san. Su-san returns to Tokyo and is informed that Hama-chan has gone missing.
Free and Easy 15
Hama-chan takes a vacation to go fishing in Akita despite warnings from Su-san as his company faces a restructuring process.
The Blue Light
Eiji Yamamoto
Shuichi Kushimori is a 17 year old high school student who lives happily with his mother and stepsister. One day, without warning, his estranged stepfather returns home from a long absence. He quickly falls into a circle of drinking and starts abusing his ex-wife and daughter. When he begins making sexual advances towards Shuichi’s stepsister, Shuichi is compelled to take matters into his own hands.
El ocaso del Samurái
Gonbei Terauchi
Japón, mediados del siglo XIX. Seibei Iguchi es un samurái de bajo rango que trabaja como burócrata. Viudo, vive con sus dos hijas, a las que adora, y con una madre ya senil, por lo que se ve obligado a hacer otros trabajos para poder sacarlas adelante. Una nueva oportunidad se presenta en su vida cuando se entera de que Tomoe, su amor de siempre, se ha divorciado de su cruel marido. Sin embargo, el rígido código de honor de los samuráis lo atará de pies y manos.
Meirosou no sangeki
Inspector Todoroki
Okatsu is a widow raising five children - adults but still mama-dependent - in mid-eighteenth century Edo, Japan. Her frugality attracts unflattering comment even amid national tough times (the region is in famine) What Okatsu tells no one is that she saves so that a friend can start his own business once he's released from prison.
Detective Kikuma
Los secuaces de "El Arca de la Verdad", una secta apocalípitica, provocan una masacre que deja más de cien muertos. Tres años después, los familiares de los asesinos se reúnen como cada año en el lago donde vivían las víctimas, para conmemorar su muerte. Pero no podrán volver a la ciudad sin antes pasar por la casa, donde antaño sus parientes habían planeado los atentados. Allí encuentran a un joven que formó parte de la secta, pero que en el último instante desertó para no participar en la matanza.
A Class to Remember 4: Fifteen
Bored with school, 15-year-old Daisuke Kawashima embarks on a pilgrimage to visit the 7,000-year-old cedar tree on distant Yakushima Island. Through his journey, Daisuke meets a number of interesting people, including friendly truck driver Sumire and a mysterious mountaineer girl.
Home Sweet Home
"Home Sweet Home" deals with a family who, unable to cope with their aging grandfather's worsening dementia, abandon him at a group home for the elderly. When, racked by guilt, they return to retrieve him, they discover to their surprise. . .
Free and Easy: Samurai Edition
A traveling ronin perceived as a fool impresses a samurai leader with his fishing skills and gains employment.
Free and Easy 10
Su-san resigns after getting fed up with corporate life, but he finds himself back in familiar surroundings on his first assignment at a new job.
The Setting Sun
Mamiya Seijiro
A Japanese soldier is forced to question alliances when he meets and falls in love with the leader of the rebel movement.