Per Olsson


Be Here Soon
Lighting Design
The fourth audiovisual installment in the iamamiwhoami project by Swedish singer-songwriter Jonna Lee and producer Claes Björklund.
Irak, década de los 90, una tierra devastada. En el Kurdistán, dos hermanos sin hogar (Zana, 7) y (Dana, 10), viven al borde de la supervivencia. En el comienzo de la historia echan un vistazo a Superman a través de un agujero en la pared del cine local. Zana y Dana deciden que quieren ir a Estados Unidos a vivir con Superman. Una vez que llegan allí podrán resolver todos sus problemas, hacer su vida fácil y castigar a todos los que fueron malos con ellos. Zana, el hermano menor, empieza a hacer una lista de todas las personas a las que va a decirle a Superman que castigue. En la parte superior de la lista esta Saddam Hussein. Dana en cambio hace un plan concreto de lo que necesitan para llegar allí, el dinero, pasaportes, transporte y una manera de conseguir todo ello...
"Lejonjakten" is one of five films (three of which are now lost) that were made by students at the University of Lund, Sweden, as a part of their 1908 carnival. The film is a cruel parody on Danish producer Ole Olsen's "Løvejagten" (1907) which was at the time banned in Denmark (due to the fact that a lion and other animals were actually killed in the film) but shown in Sweden. In the student version two actors dressed up as a lion and a kangaroo get shot by hunters, but the hunters themselves soon get arrested by the police, an allusion to a recent conflict between the students and the local police.