Saginaw Grant


Saginaw Grant
Saginaw Grant
Saginaw Grant
Saginaw Grant


The Ridiculous 6
Screaming Eagle
Cuando reaparece su padre, un forajido desaparecido durante muchos años, Tommy Stockburn y sus cinco hermanos emprenden un viaje lleno de aventuras por el Oeste.
Wind Walkers
Native Elder
Un grupo de amigos y familiares se adentran en los pantanos de Everglades en su viaje anual de caza… sólo para descubrir que son ellos los que están siendo cazados. Una entidad malévola les acecha y sospechan que uno de ellos puede estar poseído por “algo” que se trajo de su servicio en el Medio Oriente. Un demonio de la guerra horrible y mortal… ¿O están enfrentándose a algo todavía más indescriptible? Quizás una legendaria maldición de los nativos americanos dispuesta a dar rienda suelta a su terrible sed de venganza colonial.
Medicine of the Wolf
After 40 years of protection, Grey wolves were recently de-listed federally from endangered species act and their fate was handed over to state legislatures. What ensued was a 'push to hunt' in wolf country across the United States. Filmmaker Julia Huffman travels to Minnesota and into wolf country to pursue the deep and intrinsic value of brother wolf and our forgotten promise to him.
El Llanero Solitario
Chief Big Bear
Estamos ante una prometedora producción repleta de aventuras, no exentas de humor, en la que el popular cowboy enmascarado, que nació como un relato radiofónico, tomará un rostro y una apariencia renovada por completo. Tonto, es un nativo americano, curtido en mil batallas, que narra los increíbles relatos que convirtieron a John Reid, en el brazo ejecutor de la ley, toda una leyenda de los Estados Unidos. Esta insólita pareja se verá obligada a trabajar unida y a luchar contra la codicia y el crimen en una época en la que todavía prima la ley del más fuerte.
Winter in the Blood
Yellow Calf
A young, self-destructive Montana Blackfoot Indian, his mind groggy with alcohol and tormented by childhood memories, discovers that his wife has left him, taking with her his prize rifle. He sets out to find her, but what he's really searching for is his own uncertain identity and a glimpse of salvation.
Stanley Hipp
A former FBI profiler, now a sheriff of a small town and a single parent of a high school aged daughter, begins to profile a series of unexplained murders only to learn that the monster he's profiling may be himself.
Beyond The Quest
A young immigrant seeking his fortune and new life in America begins to unlock secrets of his forgotten past in unexpected ways thanks to a spiritual connection with a distant stranger he never knew existed. Adam grew up on a small farm in the mountains of communist Poland. Abandoned by his parents at a young age he was raised by a kind, ever-loving woman named Julia Baron. Confronted with the astounding lack of opportunity facing everyone, Adam leaves his home life in search of a better life. With some difficulty getting out of the country, including a threat from his girl friend to turn him in for treason, he arrives in America to find both what he did- and did not- expect. Upon his arrival he finds a limo waiting for him, driven by a mysterious person who takes him on a cross country tripwithout any apparent destination.
Ammón el Destructor
Un arqueólogo encuentra los restos momificados de un gigante, el vástago de un ángel caído y una humana. Ahora tiene que detener el terror que ha liberado.
Wilson Sam
Faced with the murder of three medicine men, Navajo police must find the culprit. That the murders appear to be the work of a Skinwalker, or bad medicine man, complicate and illuminate the detective's work.
Camino al infierno
Una banda de forajidos liderada por el temido blackjack roba un banco y emprende una frenética huida hasta un pueblo llamado refugio. Los forajidos pronto se dan cuenta de que hay algo extraño en el pueblo y sus habitantes. El sheriff no va armado,el pueblo no tiene cárcel y todos se reunen en la iglesia con la puesta del sol. Uno de los forajidos reconoce en el pueblo algunas figuras del legendario oeste, como Wild Bill Hickock o Billy el niño, que esta redimiendose de su vida anterior y los recien llegados se lo pondrán muy dificil.
Pasión comanche
Chief Luta
Basada en un hecho real, esta es una historia de amor ambientada en las llanuras del oeste americano en 1868. Anna Brewster Morgan (Janine Turner) acude al Fuerte Hays en Kansas para conocer al que será su futuro marido. Durante el camino, su caravana es atacada por los Sioux, pero ella logra sobrevivir gracias a la inesperada ayuda de Tokalah (Michael Greyeyes), uno de los guerreros indios.
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Mystery of the Blues
Grey Cloud
In the twentieth film in the series, in 1950's Wyoming, middle-aged Indiana Jones and his friend Grey Cloud have obtained a sacred ceremonial pipe and end up in a snow-logged cabin. When Jones uncovers a soprano sax, he is reminded of his college days in 1920's Chicago, waiting tables at Colosimo's restaurant and becoming obsessed with Jazz music. When Colosimo was murdered, young Indy got caught up in the investigation together with his roommate Eliot Ness and young reporter Ernest Hemingway.
The Red Man's View
Chief Great Eagle
Epic remake of a Native American film originally done 100 years ago about a Shoshone band who lived in a secluded valley in the 1860's, during the time of the last 'free' roaming Native Americans in the midst of the US Civil War. They are discovered by a group of Union soldiers and squatters and forced to move from their home. They are moved from valley to valley as the Union takes more and more of their land in a plan to eradicate the country of 'savages' exterminating all Native Americans. But there is hope when the band find a new beginning.