Aleksandr Ilin

Aleksandr Ilin

Nacimiento : 1983-11-22, Moscow, USSR (Russia)


Aleksandr Ilin


Я женил своих родителей
A former boarding school student, and now a successful young entrepreneur, falls in love with a girl whose parents are not happy with their daughter's chosen one. They set the hero an impossible condition in advance - the wedding will take place only if Fedya's real parents are present.
Egor Letov
Yekaterinburg of the 90s. A company of young poets, including the most talented — a junior researcher at the Institute of Geophysics Boris Ryzhy, wanders through the cold and dangerous streets of the city from party to party. Ironic and friendly, he can negotiate with local brothers with equal ease, drive to Moscow for the "Anti-Booker" award, fight at the stall and crash into the department.
La fiebre de Petrov
Viktor Mikhailovich
Petrov es escritor de cómics y sobrevive con su familia en la Rusia postsoviética. Con el país sumido en una epidemia de gripe, Petrov y su amigo Igor se embarcan en una alucinante travesía marcada por los delirios febriles y un gran baño de alcohol. A lo largo de un día, ambos amigos deambulan entre los reinos de la fantasía y la realidad, fundiéndose en el presente y pasado de los sueños del escritor y también de la propia Rusia.
Everything is Ok
Lyubyakino Precinct has one not-so-simple task, to protect the president’s motorcade on his state visist, but the already challenging task becomes nearly impossible when all hell breaks loose in the form of a zombie apocolypse. Will the precinct be able to restore order, protect the president, and save the world?
Ad Libitum
The talented and practical journalist German Krylov, in pursuit of sensation, finds himself in a company that sells a feeling of love. Unexpectedly for himself, he becomes the object of manipulation and falls into a trap from which it is difficult to get out.
Sabre Dance
Cold autumn of 1942. Second year of war. Former Molotov city, which was renamed after the war to Perm. The Leningrad Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet after Kirov is evacuated here and in the process of tense preparations for the premiere of the Gayane ballet. In 8 hours Khachaturian writes the most performed creation…
The little boy receives the last instruction from his mother: now he will have to take care of a deaf father who has problems with alcohol, because in fact, dad is a samurai who has made a vow of silence and needs a mentor ... When a representative of guardianship authorities comes to them, little a family of two is on the verge of separation.
The Coach
Rusia contemporánea. Después de fallar un tiro de penalti, un futbolista nacional humillado se retira del juego. Huye a una pequeña ciudad, donde decide entrenar a su equipo local.
In the Apocalypse of John, there is such a thing as warmth. Being angry with the Laodicean church, the Lord reproaches: “I know your deeds; you are neither cold nor hot. ” Cold, that is, a sinner who denies or arguing with God, is not hopeless, he can come to salvation through repentance, but a warm, spiritually smoldering person who does not believe in ritual following his heart - such a person is against God. Punk is always a choice of two extremes. Or drink till you drop - or become an invete sober person. Hot or cold. But never warm. The heroes of the film are three generations of Russian punks - from “Automatic Satisfiers” to “Pornofilm”.
Siglo XIII. Rusia está fragmentada y está a punto de caer de rodillas ante el Gran Khan Batu de la Horda de Oro del yugo mongol-tártaro. Los invasores no encuentran una seria resistencia, han quemado varias ciudades y han regado con sangre la tierra rusa. Pero surge un valiente guerrero que se atreve a desafiarlos, es un joven caballero de Riazán, Yevpatiy Kolovrat, quien junto a su escuadra de valientes, está dispuesto a vengar a su amada y a su país.
Vladimir Markelov
En los años 60, durante la Guerra Fría y la carrera espacial entre la URSS y los Estados Unidos. Los soviéticos planean enviar a un hombre al espacio. El piloto militar Pavel Belyayev y Alexey Leonov están listos para entrar en el espacio abierto. Pero en el camino se enfrentan a muchos obstáculos y peligros.
The Translator
Young father agrees to fulfill three criminal boss's wishes in order to get money for his son's surgery abroad.
From 5 till 7
He was waiting for Anna in a cafe everyday from five till seven for six months. But another woman came in and their relationship started...
Friends of Friends
New Year's Eve stories intersect promoter for the first time to stay home with five years old, three musicians from the Philharmonic, dared to rob stern businessman at a house party to which they sent the same promoter, and a poor student, invited on a first date to an expensive restaurant daughter of most severe businessman. As a result, each of the characters fall into the absurd, naughty, dangerous, but still very funny situation out of which it will certainly help, friends ...
Heart’s Boomerang
Kostya is 23. He is an underground railway driver’s assistant. One day the doctor says that Kostya has the heart disease: he can die any moment… Kostya decides not to tell anybody about his disease. He tries to live the same way as he lived before his illness was diagnosed. But he keeps thinking about the meaning of life.
Muzhskaya zhenskaya igra
SuperManager, or Hack of the Fate
A funny fantasy about mangers, hobbits and other surprising people.
Five short love stories, which become a statement of the directors about love. A shoemaker, a reporter, a pavement hooker-in, a psychiatric patient and a young man released from prison are the main characters of the film, heroes in a time of no heroes. All of them have the important qualities of being openhearted and not afraid of loving.
Fedka Basmanov
In 16th-century Russia in the grip of chaos, Ivan the Terrible strongly believes he is vested with a holy mission. Believing he can understand and interpret the signs, he sees the Last Judgment approaching. He establishes absolute power, cruelly destroying anyone who gets in his way. During this reign of terror, Philip, the superior of the monastery on the Solovetsky Islands, a great scholar and Ivan's close friend, dares to oppose the sovereign's mystical tyranny. What follows is a clash between two completely opposite visions of the world, smashing morality and justice, God and men. A grand-scale film with excellent leading roles by Mamonov and Yankovsky. An allegory of Stalinist Russia
Wild Field
A young doctor relocates to a remote region of central Asia, thinking his fiancee soon will join him ...
A teenage girl Vika and a successful but single middle-aged woman get closer in an attempt to take revenge on Zoya’s former lover. They develop a taste for it. They steal and crush his car, burn down his house, and plan to destroy his family.
Сильнее огня (Двое и война)
Семен Ефимов
Молодые офицеры в первый день Великой
Jugando a la victima
Un joven abandona la universidad y va a la policía. No ha hecho nada malo, solo quiere un trabajo. Un trabajo particular. Jugando a la víctima en reconstrucciones de asesinato. Tal vez al acercarse a la muerte pueda lograr hacer trampa por su cuenta.
Видный государственный деятель заказывает спецслужбам убийство некоего банкира, собирающегося баллотироваться в президенты. Идеальный киллер должен быть вынут из зоны, где сидит за убийство, и должен молчать. Голубчик отбывает 15 лет за случайную смерть пьяного генерала на охоте. Также он известен по кличке "Немой". Лучше его не придумаешь. Но идеальный киллер выходит из под контроля.