Shinichi Saimori
Katsuzaburo Ikeda
Oda Nobunaga (Takuya Kimura) and Nohime (Haruka Ayase) were originally married to mend a hostile relationship between neighbouring regions. Unfortunately, they were like oil and water, making for a somewhat unhappy marriage. When Oda’s enemy, Imagawa Yoshimoto, attacks Owari with his vast army, Oda is devastated by the overwhelming gap in military strength. However, Nohime encourages him not to despair and the pair draw up a tactical plan that will allow them to overcome the odds.
Gong Yuan
It follows a young man who dreams of becoming a general and Ying Zheng, whose goal is unification.
Shinichi Hongo
Two men working in a suburban scrap factory. A society in which parts that are no longer usable are easily replaced and continue to rotate as if nothing had happened. Evil gives birth to evil, lies are overlaid on lies, and weak ones hit even weaker ones. How should we live in this ruthless world? Faced with such an unanswered question head-on, swallowing all the contradictions and confrontations that are unevenly distributed, yet the possibility of salvation and the guidepost for liberation are out of the standard. The movie you are looking for on the scale of is born. Suspense full of speed and excitement, unpredictable angry development, stubborn lyricism and rugged humor in the meantime-giving the viewer a different dimension of horizon while giving a surprise similar to dizziness A terrifying monster movie to take away, that is this "Running the Night".
Zhang Fei
A new interpretation of "Records of the Three Kingdoms," which is historical text of the three states of Wei, Shu, and Wu in China.
Ryoichi Tsuzuki
It is the job of the press to cover corporate crime, government plots and society. It is in this context that young female reporter on the beat Erika rolls up her sleeves and goes to work regarding what seems to be a government cover up. She is dealing with a government bureaucrat called Sugihara. It seems as if a clash is inevitable.
Wataru, his woman Kotoe and daughter Shiori are ranchers and dairy farmers in Hokkaido in northern Japan. He is following in his father's footsteps. A visiting chef cooks an unforgettable meal with his ingredients, which prompts the family to open their own restaurant and reproduce the magic.
A man finds himself on the seashore of a deserted island. He finds a copy of the tabloid weekly "Shukan Taishu" next to him. He decides to wait for help while reading the "Shukan Taishu." While reading the tabloid weekly, his mind wanders into delusions. It so happens, that man's greatest skill is the power of his delusions. As time passes, help does not arrive. His mind drifts into his past where he was always waiting.
Junpei Natsukawa
A family restaurant faces hard times due to customers running out on their bills. In his past, Shogo Kawatani was a premiere athlete. Now, Shogo Kawatani works for the family restaurant. His job is to catch customers who run out on their bills.
El conocido abogado Shigemori defiende a Misumi, acusado de robo con homicidio, que ya cumplió pena de cárcel por otro asesinato hace treinta años. Las posibilidades de que Shigemori gane el caso son escasas, ya que su cliente reconoce ser culpable, aunque esto probablemente signifique la pena de muerte. Pero a medida que desentraña el caso y escucha los testimonios del propio Misumi y de su familia, Shigemori empieza a dudar de la culpabilidad de su cliente.
Three childhood friends reunite over a murder case.
manager Takahashi
Satoru Fujinuma es un impopular artista de manga. No le gusta socializar y trabaja como repartidor de pizzas. Él tiene una habilidad especial, "repetición". Su habilidad le permite retroceder en el tiempo antes que ocurran incidentes terribles y vuelve continuamente hasta que se evitan los incidentes. Hace 18 años, un caso de asesinato en serie se llevó a cabo y las víctimas son niños. Satoru Fujinuma se remonta a la época para atrapar al asesino y salvar también a su madre.
Ryuichi Kajio
The NPS (National Police Safety Rescue), whose purpose is to catch extreme criminals alive, becomes the center of attention. A sit-in demonstration takes place. Members of the NPS, including Ichigo Kamikura (Osamu Mukai) go to the protest site. Meanwhile, a transport ship is hijacked in the Pacific Ocean.
Gentle Younger Brother
Ayumi, una limpiadora del hospital, llama de pronto al joven doctor genio para decirle que está embarazada de él. Él, un impenitente mujeriego, se toma la noticia a broma dado que es el Día de los Inocentes, lo que acarreará consecuencias insospechadas. Mientras, un chico intenta por todos los medios contactar con un ovni que lo devuelva a donde pertenece, que desde luego no puede ser el instituto donde lo acosan. Por otra parte, un matrimonio mayor recorre aristocráticamente la ciudad, una niña es secuestrada, un policía detiene a una vidente... Una película coral donde todas las historias acaban relacionándose de forma sorprendente, y que transcurre enteramente en un muy loco y divertido Día de los Inocentes.
Gajirou Honda is a self-centered man who only cares about money and women. When he’s involved in a car accident, he encounters the ghosts of the deceased occupants of the other car, including the driver and three pole dancers. The four ghosts promise him a large sum of money in exchange for his help fulfilling their last wishes, thus allowing their spirits to pass over to the afterlife.
Takashi Makise
Crows Zero 3 se desarrolla en el insituto de chicos Suzuran, un mes después de la graduación Takiya Genji (uno de los protagonistas de la película anterior). El puesto del chico queda libre y un estudiante recientemente transferido al instituto, Kaburagi Kazeo lucha contra Kagami Ryohei para alcanzar la vacante.
Long-time friends Jinko and Motoko hear that their college friend Miki has jumped into the ocean. They are joined by Haraki, who Jinko happens to meet, and head by car on a journey to see Miki.
2013 movie.
Kohei Kubo
Five years after a hit-and-run accident kills his wife, a distraught metalworker comes face to face with the man behind the steering wheel.
Kenji Maeno
In this offbeat coming-of-age tale, a charming, rebellious high school dropout named Kanta befriends the kind, provincial Shoji. The two bring out the best in each other, each gaining confidence from their friendship - especially regarding pursuit of the opposite sex. The working class Kanta becomes a sort of unruly anti-hero, maintaining his pride, defiance, and self-assurance even as his prospects seem increasingly grim.
Masahiko Nakamura
Akane es una profesora de instituto que escucha el rumor de que sus alumnos tienen en su poder un vídeo del suicidio de una persona. En un primer momento no cree que sea cierto, pero cuando una de sus estudiantes aparece muerta después de ver un vídeo, ella y su novio se verán envueltos en una espiral terrorífica creada por el hombre que aparece en el vídeo, Kashiwada. Su intenció era crear el caos en el mundo trayendo a Sadako de vuelta con el poder de su maldición. Ahora Akane deberá enfrentarse a Sadako y Kashiwada...
A widowed lumberjack's life is turned upside down when a film crew shooting a zombie movie asks for his help and increasingly starts to rely on him.
SHOTA comes back to his hometown to attend father's funeral from Tokyo after a long time. After the funeral, He goes for a walk in his dear old home, meets with GENJIRO who's a master of stone mason and becomes his pupil. Just SHOTA's practices with GENJIRO starts to be a stone mason like his father. This story is about 'Kizuna' which means a strong bond among family, friends, animals and even plants, connecting everything from this world and the world beyond.
Rikiya Kitazawa
Adaptación de un manga homónimo. Cuenta una historia relacionada estrechamente con la música, sigue los inicios de una banda de rock, y sus pormenores, centrándose sobre todo en Koyuki, un joven estudiante de instituto que de la noche a la mañana, y tras conocer a un tipo llamado Ryuusuke, se adentra en el mundo de la música.
Drawing influence from the street musicians of Miyagi, four high school students form a band and spend their free time practicing for their school's upcoming festival. When the festival is abruptly concealed, they come up with a dimwitted strategy of faking a bomb threat to the school in order to force the principal to change his mind. Their plan seems to work at first, but when a real bomb goes off, the group is forced to take responsibility for the explosion and they are kicked out of school. Three years later, more details of the incident is revealed as the youth look back on the past.
En el último día de clase de un instituto, una profesora se despide de los alumnos con el anuncio de que deja la escuela, pero añadiendo una confesión: su hija de cuatro años, fallecida recientemente al ahogarse en la piscina de la escuela, fue en realidad asesinada por dos de los estudiantes de esa misma clase.Y, añade, ya ha puesto en marcha su venganza contra ellos.
In Ikebukuro, unbeaten street fighter Ran Sakurai (Yosuke Kawamura) and his friend Kenji (Yosuke Asari) run a benriya operation called "Randys" to earn enough money to buy a haka for their dead friend Shinichi Hoshi (Tsutomu Takahashi). Randys is named after their hero, Randy Bass: the American baseball player who helped lead the "hard luck" Hanshin Tigers to a Japan series title in 1985. A benriya is basically a problem-solver that accepts payment to do anything you need done, and Randys specializes in helping the weak triumph over the strong, much like Randy Bass did with Hanshin. One day, they find out the feared leader of a team of badasses called (appropriately enough) the Giants, Takeshi (Hisato Izaki), has returned to Ikebukuro to stir up trouble. He has only one goal: to beat the crap out of Sakurai. A dispute that began 4 years ago is about to be settled, but not before the streets of Ikebukuro are covered in blood...
Takashi Makise
"Crows II" continúa la historia donde terminó "Crows-Zero": el último curso en el instituto Suzuran se acerca a su fin para Genji y sus compañeros. Aún así, los problemas para el instituto de los Cuervos no han hecho más que empezar. Genji sigue obsesionado con vencer a Rindaman aunque todos sus intentos terminen en derrota, para alegría del grupo de Serizawa. Mientras Makise, Izaki y Chuta intentan convencer a Genji para que lo deje correr, un peligro aún mayor que Rindaman empieza a forjarse a las puertas del instituto; los alumnos del instituto Hosen, enemigo natural de Suzuran, se preparan para cumplir la venganza que llevan planeando desde hace dos años cuando Noboru Kawanishi, entonces líder de Suzuran, asesinó a Makio Bito, líder de Hosen. Genji demostró ser el más fuerte de Suzuran, pero... ¿podrá dominar a todo el instituto y erigirse como el líder que derrotará a Hosen en la nueva guerra que acaba de estallar?
A gynecologist attempts to rid the world of sexual problems by separating sex on the one hand and reproduction, which he feels should be left to artificial wombs.