The movie centers on two hunters, friends for years and vying for the affections of the same woman, who find themselves on cursed land and keep killing each other and coming back to life.
The movie centers on two hunters, friends for years and vying for the affections of the same woman, who find themselves on cursed land and keep killing each other and coming back to life.
Jennifer, Stefanie, and Joey are making a movie. But soon the lines between what is a movie and what is real begin to disappear. And when making a horror movie, that can be a difference between life and death.
Jennifer, Stefanie, and Joey are making a movie. But soon the lines between what is a movie and what is real begin to disappear. And when making a horror movie, that can be a difference between life and death.
Jennifer, Stefanie, and Joey are making a movie. But soon the lines between what is a movie and what is real begin to disappear. And when making a horror movie, that can be a difference between life and death.
Jennifer, Stefanie, and Joey are making a movie. But soon the lines between what is a movie and what is real begin to disappear. And when making a horror movie, that can be a difference between life and death.
Cuando un ex detective se entera del asesinato de su hijo , se aventura a regresar a las calles oscuras que una vez conoció tan bien. Armado, peligroso y sin nada que perder, debe enfrentarse a la despiadada mafia local en su misión de venganza.
Theatre Patron 2
Una antología, basada en los cómics del mismo nombre de Glenn Danzig, en la que lo erótico y lo horrible se combinan para crear múltiples cuentos macabros de sed de sangre, asesinatos, lo oculto y lo prohibido.
Two filmmakers attempt to make the perfect sequel to "To Jennifer," however a dark secret threatens the lives of everyone involved. Jennifer, a beautiful actress, now has two options: become the heroine of the film, or face a brutal death.
Protagonizada por Shannen Doherty (Beverly Hills 90210), Christopher Lloyd (Regreso al Futuro) y Jason Brooks (Days of Our Lives), Sangre Lago: El Ataque de los Killer lampreas es dirigida por James Cullen Bressack (Hate Crime, perniciosa) y ve a la emitir las lampreas de batalla - peces de anguila con dientes enormes y el embudo en forma de bocas - después se deslizan su camino en el sistema de alcantarillado de la ciudad y empezar a aterrorizar a los habitantes de un pequeño Michigan town.Brooks juega Michael, un experto en peces y la vida silvestre que se traslada a la ciudad con su esposa, Cate (Doherty), después de haber sido convocado por el alcalde de la ciudad, Akerman (Lloyd), para ayudar a lidiar con su problema peces atacando.
Executive Producer
Convinced that his longtime girlfriend is cheating on him, heartbroken Joey recruits his cousin Steven to shoot a video that will prove her guilt. Before the video is completed, however, Joey and Steven uncover something so sinister is shakes them to the very core.
Convinced that his longtime girlfriend is cheating on him, heartbroken Joey recruits his cousin Steven to shoot a video that will prove her guilt. Before the video is completed, however, Joey and Steven uncover something so sinister is shakes them to the very core.
Durante milenios, los calendarios han añadido un día extra cada cuatro años. Al hacerlo, violaron el antiguo calendario maya. Ahora estamos en el mes 13 del año 13 del nuevo milenio, y los pocos que sobreviven a luchar contra un mundo de demonios.
A Jewish family, new to the neighborhood, are recording their youngest son's birthday celebrations on video when their home is suddenly invaded by a band of meth-head Neo-Nazis.
Six single adults are hired by an online dating company to test out a new service to be offered in the near future. The group vacations together in a cabin in the woods where they are given activities and games, encouraging modern romantic connection and sexual exploration.