Antoine, twenty-five, does not want to be alone this evening. He leaves in the middle of the night to find a remedy for his loneliness.
I knew someone who lived in an attic for a long time..He told me that it was because of an upset in love. He didn't want to elucidate! I like this mystery.
Jérémie has a job recruiting subjects for testing. He'd rather recruit Rodrigue for something else entirely.
Jérémie has a job recruiting subjects for testing. He'd rather recruit Rodrigue for something else entirely.
Thomas es un hombre bisexual que mantiene un estilo de vida sexual promiscuo, con varias relaciones al mismo tiempo. Un día recibe la noticia de que una antigua amante ha muerto. Pese a la complicación que le supone, Thomas siente la responsabilidad de encargarse de Gregoire, el hijo de 13 años que tuvo con la fallecida.