A docu-fiction focusing on writer Pier Vittorio Tondelli who died in 1991 at the age of 36, due to AIDS. Tondelli is known not only for being one of Europe’s greatest storytellers but also for being one of the sharpest voices of his time. He was the writer of Other Libertines, his first work and a cult novel among young people of the 80s, subject to seizure in L’Aquila for obscenity and outrage against the public morals of the time. Yet, Tondelli’s novel was not only a transgressive writing but also a literary project that allowed the linguistic mixing of registers, sectors and even dialectisms. The film sets out in search of the places where the writer had the opportunity to live, starting from Correggio, where he was born, up to Bologna, the aforementioned L’Aquila, and then Orvieto, on which his second novel focuses, to continue with Rome, Milan, and Berlin.
Giorgia (Angela Baraldi), una detective privada de aspecto descuidado y fuerte carácter, trabaja en la agencia privada que su padre posee en Bolonia. Dedica la mayor parte del tiempo a investigar casos de infidelidad matrimonial. Dieciséis años después del misterioso suicidio de su hermana menor Ada (Claudia Zanella), recibe una caja con cintas de vídeo que constituyen una especie de diario íntimo de Ada. El vídeo muestra una joven feliz y extrovertida que sueña con el futuro, que lucha por empezar una carrera artística y que trata de ocultar una relación amorosa clandestina. Mientras investiga, Giorgia se sumerge tanto en el pasado de su hermana como en el suyo.