Arden Rynew


Terminator 2: El juicio final
Online Editor
Ha pasado once años desde que Sarah Connor fue marcada como objetivo para ser eliminada por un cyborg del futuro. Ahora su hijo John, el futuro líder de la resistencia, es el objetivo de un Terminator más moderno, más mortífero. Una vez más, la resistencia se las ha ingeniado para enviar un protector de vuelta al pasado para intentar salvar a John y a su madre Sarah.
Poder, pasión y crimen
Natica Jackson (Michelle Pfeiffer) es una famosa actriz agotada por los numerosos compromisos y rodajes conseguidos por su ambicioso agente Morris (Hector Elizondo). Un día tiene un accidente gracias al cual conoce a Hal Graham (Brian Kerwin), con quien inicia una apasionada historia de amor. Hal está casado, y su celosa mujer planea su venganza cuidadosamente. Mientras tanto, el director del estudio A.D. Natham (Darren Macgavin) organiza una cena a la que invita a un grupo de personas, entre ellas al actor de moda Tony Montoya (Steven Bauer) y al director fracasado Canteret...
Rip Van Winkle
A lazy man falls asleep for twenty years.
Special Bulletin
A TV reporter and cameraman are taken hostage on a tugboat while covering a workers strike. The demands of the hostage-takers are to collect all the nuclear detonators in the Charleston, SC area so they may be detonated at sea. They threaten to detonate a nuclear device of their own of their demand isnt met.
The musical uses the premise of a mysterious performance troupe, led by a Leading Player, to tell the story of Pippin, a young prince on his search for meaning and significance. In 1981, a stage production of Pippin was videotaped for Canadian television. The stage production was directed by Kathryn Doby, Bob Fosse's dance captain for the original Broadway production, and David Sheehan directed the video adaptation, with Roger O. Hirson in charge of the music. Ben Vereen returned for the role of Leading Player, while William Katt played the role of Pippin. However, this version was a truncated adaptation and several sections of the play were cut. An extended version running 135 minutes is also available.