Frank Meredith


Government Agents vs Phantom Legion
Motorcycle Cop
Two federal agents battle a gang that hijacks trucks carrying materials vital for the security of the country and sells them to foreign powers.
Río Rojo
Train Engineer (uncredited)
Terminada la Guerra de Secesión (1861-1865) y después de haber sobrevivido a una matanza de los indios, el ganadero Tom Dunson (John Wayne) y su hijo adoptivo Matthew Garth (Montgomery Clift) proyectan trasladar diez mil cabezas de ganado desde Texas hasta Missouri. Nadie hasta entonces había intentado una operación de tal envergadura.
La vida secreta de Walter Mitty
Cop (uncredited)
Walter Mitty, es un escritor soñador con una madre sobreprotectora, al que le gusta imaginar que es un héroe que vive fantásticas aventuras. Su sueño se convierte en realidad cuando conoce accidentalmente a una misteriosa mujer que le entrega un pequeño libro negro. Según ella, contiene las ubicaciones de las joyas de la corona holandesa, ocultas desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Pronto, Mitty se encuentra en medio de una conspiración, donde tendrá dificultades para diferenciar entre la realidad y la ficción.
The Magnificent Rogue
Cell Guard
A serviceman returns home at the end of WWII to discover his wife has become the head of her own very successful advertising agency. Comedy.
The Last Crooked Mile
Bank Guard
A mystery grows after a bank robbery car leads investigators to a carnival sideshow.
Territorio de bandidos
Deputy Marshal (uncredited)
Durante la creación de los Estados Unidos de América, una franja de tierra olvidada entre los Territorios Indios y los Estados de Colorado, Kansas, Nuevo México y Texas se convierte en el refugio y hogar de gran parte de los forajidos más famosos y despiadados del Salvaje Oeste. Allí deberá ir el Sheriff Mark Rowley (Randolph Scott) en busca de su hermano y ayudante John (James Warren), quien tras ser traicionado por el despiadado Marshal Bill Hampton (Morgan Conway), tuvo que huir con la banda del forajido Jesse James (Lawrence Tierney) a la ciudad de Quinto, en el corazón del Territorio de Forajidos. Tras llegar a Quinto, Mark Rowley conocerá a Henryetta Alcott (Ann Richards), la comprometida editora del periódico local que lucha por traer la legislación del estado en creación de Oklahoma a su tierra sin ley...
Muerte al amanecer
Policeman (uncredited)
Un marinero que debe coger un autocar para volver con su compañía se ve implicado en el asesinato de una mujer que disfruta chantajeando a varias personas. Una muchacha y un taxista se unirán para demostrar la inocencia del joven en unas horas.
Dick Tracy vs. Crime Inc.
Army Messenger
Dick Tracy goes up against a villain known as The Ghost, who can turn himself invisible.
Highway West
Cop (uncredited)
A young woman marries a man who turns out to be a bank robber.
Hold That Woman!
Police Officer Mike
A skip tracer--someone who collects late payments from people who've purchased appliances, etc., or takes them back them when they don't pay--repossesses a small radio from a deadbeat who's skipped payments. What he doesn't know is that a gang that has stolen diamonds from a Hollywood movie star has stashed them inside the radio, and they start hunting for him.
Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase
Motorcycle Policeman (uncredited)
Nancy helps two aging spinsters fulfill the byzantine provisions of their father's will, but the murder of their chauffeur complicates matters.
Dick Tracy's G-Men
Officer Duffy
A mad doctor named Zanoff uses a drug to bring himself back from the dead after his execution in prison. Dick Tracy sets out to capture Zanoff before he can put his criminal gang back together again.
Charlie Chan at Treasure Island
Second Detective
Charlie Chan's investigation of a blackmail-induced suicide as a case of murder leads him into a world of magick and mysticism peopled with a stage magician, a phoney spiritualist, and a for-real mind reader.
The Gracie Allen Murder Case
Motorcycle Cop
The zany plot follows nitwit Gracie Allen trying to help master sleuth Philo Vance solve a murder.
Han hecho de mí un criminal
Cop #2 (uncredited)
Johnnie Bradfield acaba de proclamarse campeón mundial de boxeo, y todo el mundo le adora. Su tremenda popularidad se basa en que proviene de una familia humilde y debe luchar en el ring por necesidad, lo cual resulta admirable a ojos de sus seguidores. Sin embargo, una noche de borrachera cuenta a un periodista que esta inocente imagen de sí mismo no es más que un montaje, ya que en realidad es un mujeriego y un bebedor empedernido. Al desvelar el secreto, el manager de Johnnie, fuera de sí, mata al periodista para que la noticia no salga a la luz. Pero al darse cuenta de la crudeza de su crimen decide inculpar al boxeador.
Safety in Numbers
Motor Cop
The Jones family patriarch, also mayor (Prouty), is swindled into thinking the town swamp is a rich mineral deposit.
Crew Member
El capitán Lovett ordenó a su primer oficial Thompson deshacerse de su tripulación, que se dedica al tráfico de esclavos, y contratar a marineros respetables, pero cuando se trae a su nueva novia Nancy a bordo, se encuentra con el mismo tipo de situación, incluido el comercio de esclavos.
Waterfront Lady
Patrol Boat Officer
When a young man is befriended by a gambling ship operator and made a partner in the business, he becomes involved in a police manhunt after he covers up a murder committed by his new partner.
Mary Jane's Pa
Motor Cop
Sam Preston is a small-town newspaper publisher who suffers from wanderlust. Leaving his family, he thinks well-provided for, he packs a suitcase and hits the road. Ten years later he comes back to find the newspaper shuttered and his family gone.
The Girl in 419
A hospital surgeon (James Dunn) protects a mystery woman (Gloria Stuart) who knows too much about a card-game murder.
The Man from Hell's Edges
A man escapes from prison, then joins up with a gang of stage robbers while at the same time working as a deputy in a distant town, hoping to ultimately find the outlaw who killed his father during a robbery years ago.
Dragnet Patrol
Federal Officer
A sailor falls for a gangster's moll, leaves his wife and finds himself caught up in a life of crime.
Riders of the Purple Sage
Court Extra
Lassiter's sister was killed and her young daughter taken and raised by outlaws. Years later Lassiter arrives at the Withersteen ranch looking for the now grown daughter. He immediately gets caught up in the ranch's struggle against rustlers. Trailing a rustled herd of horses leads him to the rustler's hideout and the missing daughter.