Bert Hana


young father Sara
Sara, una mujer que se ha divorciado recientemente, ha decidido registrarse en un retiro en la isla volcánica italiana de Stromboli. Pero al mismo tiempo, se enfrentará al doloroso pasado que ha estado tratando de ocultar.
The Camp
Thirty-year-old Robin leaves the city to go to a logging camp for a few days. But is it a logging camp or a men's camp? Robin is seen as an intruder, and after the earlier confusion and outrage, cannot escape strong examples of mansplaining, bullying and downright sexist campfire jokes. Just as long as it explodes. After all that taking it, Robin can't help but break the silence.
Pirates Down the Street II: The Ninjas from Across
Buurman Daandels
Los Piratas se sienten como en casa en Sandborough, pero el ambiente se enfría cuando los Ninjas vienen a vivir a la calle. ¡Después de todo, los piratas y los ninjas son enemigos jurados! Mientras el capitán pirata Hector Blunderbuss lucha por deshacerse de sus nuevos vecinos, su hijo Billy y su hija ninja Yuka se hacen amigos. Los Piratas desafían a los Ninjas a la batalla final en el hexatlón anual del pueblo. ¿Quién ganará el partido? Los ninjas son más rápidos y ágiles, por supuesto, pero los piratas son los mejores tramposos de los siete mares...
Wall #4
When a cinema audience starts mocking the film they're watching, the events in the theater take an unexpected turn.
Jackie & Oopjen
Herbert Voss
12-year-old Jackie has made Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum, where her mom works, her second home. While wandering around after hours, Oopjen from Rembrandt's famous painting suddenly comes to life. It seems she is looking for her long lost sister. Jackie is used to solving other people's problems and decides to take Oopjen home, so they can go look for her sister. For the woman from the Golden Age, this modern world, its customs and appliances are a great adventure. And Jackie, who doesn't really have any friends at school, finally gains a true BFF.
Los Piratas de la Calle de Abajo
Buurman Daandels
Cuando una familia de piratas se muda al aburrido Sandsborough, los vecinos no están muy contentos. Michiel y su nuevo amigo pirata Billy intentan que la familia se mezcle, pero luego su archienemigo llega a la ciudad y planea robar un tesoro.
Before Bedtime
Duco's Father
Before bedtime is the worst time of the day for Duco, a 12-year-old boy.
Bon Bini Holland 2
shy man
The Cache
Highly intelligent hacker Lillian joins a cybersecurity company in order to gain access to the bank where her father used to work. She discovers nothing is what it seems and it turns out she isn’t the only one pretending to be someone else. But where do we draw the line between activism and terrorism?
In my Father's Garden
La película cuenta la historia de amor entre Hans (Barry Atsma) y Margje (Noortje Herlaar) - novios desde la escuela. Hans crece en un ambiente religioso muy estricto, con un padre brutal. Huye de su casa muy joven y deja los estudios de horticultura. Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, se inicia en un vivero en un pueblo de la provincia de Gelderland. Al principio, él y Margje disfrutan de una vida familiar feliz y amor sin límites. También tienen problemas, sin embargo, mantienen el negocio en marcha. Un día, conoce a Jozef Mieras (Marcel Hensema), quien le habla de Dios. Después Hans oye la voz de Dios en una visión, se convierte y cambia de fe - una fe va a determinar el curso de su vida, y la de su familia. Las divisiones entre los diferentes miembros de la familia se vuelven más y más grandes hasta que Hans cae totalmente en las garras de una secta religiosa. Sin embargo, el amor incondicional de Margje sobrevive, a pesar de todo.
Dummie the Mummy and the Sphinx of Shakaba
Dummie realizes that he is not as famous as his father, an ancient pharaoh, so he decides to rely more on himself and enters a special contest with the help of his best friend.
Anything Goes
Eleven-year-old Tygo has recently moved to Amsterdam and is having some difficulty being accepted by his peers. But things change when, during a class presentation about the carnival in his hometown, he shares a story that forces his classmates to reconsider their behaviour.
Bros Before Hos
Because of a bad marriage of their parents, two brothers Jules and Max made a pact never to get into a relationship with a woman. Therefore, they live a party-life in which they sleep with a different girl every day. However this changes when Jules starts to date Anna and Max falls in love with her. Can their bromance overcome this love triangle.
Lovely Bertje82
A man tries to track down a potential love interest on a crowded train using a smartphone app.
Between the rural green meadows and pink cakes guests gather for a romantic wedding. Master of ceremonies Ellen tries to make this an unforgettable day, but gets entangled in the monkeyshine of her half sister, the infidelity of her husband, the first love of her daughter, the antics of her mother and the ropes of a hot airballoon. Will they find that only their fear stands in the way of their happiness? Who will throw the ballast overboard and take off?
A Curious Conjunction of Coincidences
Jacob van Deyck
Three completely unconnected incidents lead to a explosive climax in the heart of the city of Amsterdam.
New Kids Turbo
Cop 3
Cinco amigos de Maaskantje son despedidos a causa de su ineptitud. Tan ignorantes como agresivos, al demandar violentamente más subsidio de desempleo, se lo rechazan. Como reacción, deciden desde ese momento que no pagarán por nada.
Bert's scantily dressed neighbour downstairs, Klaasje, comes by to borrow a cup of sugar, the old clichéd situation with a quite possibly sexual outcome. When she lets the cup slip from her hands and they both try to catch it, destiny strikes.
Picture This!
Young Karel buys his first mobile phone, with digital camera, and discovers unexpected possibilities to make his sexual fantasies come true. A slightly absurdistic comedy.
Irmgards Delight
Han van Vloten, a shy boy, has a big problem in the gym room of the school. He must get over that buck in front of him. And there's yet another obstacle right behind that: a basketball net. Who misses the net, gets to clean up. Van Vloten fails miserably. But when the gym teacher leaves, Han grabs the ball, acts like a professional basketball player and... fails again. A girl takes notice of him, she seems interested. Cleaning the gym room turns out to be only the beginning of the problems of Han.