Miguel Coyula


Blue Heart
In an alternate reality, Fidel Castro uses genetic engineering to build the new man and thus save utopia. The experiment fails as these beings are highly intelligent but also cruel and uncontrollable. Rejected by their own creators, a group organizes a series of terrorist actions, and chaos reigns on the island. One of its members traces the origin of their genes and begins a journey to try to discover their humanity.
Blue Heart
In an alternate reality, Fidel Castro uses genetic engineering to build the new man and thus save utopia. The experiment fails as these beings are highly intelligent but also cruel and uncontrollable. Rejected by their own creators, a group organizes a series of terrorist actions, and chaos reigns on the island. One of its members traces the origin of their genes and begins a journey to try to discover their humanity.
Blue Heart
In an alternate reality, Fidel Castro uses genetic engineering to build the new man and thus save utopia. The experiment fails as these beings are highly intelligent but also cruel and uncontrollable. Rejected by their own creators, a group organizes a series of terrorist actions, and chaos reigns on the island. One of its members traces the origin of their genes and begins a journey to try to discover their humanity.
Sueños al pairo
Supervising Editor
Mike Porcel es el integrante perdido de la Nueva Trova cubana: su falta de espíritu revolucionario lo condenó al repudio de sus compañeros y lo transformó en paria durante una década, hasta que logró exiliarse. Sin rencor, pero sin olvido, la película reconstruye su historia y revive un fulgor olvidado.
Half blind and half deaf, ostraziced Cuban writer Rafael Alcides tries to finish his unpublished novels to discover that after several decades, the home made ink from the typewriter he used to write them has faded. The Cuban revolution as a love story and eventual deception is seen through the eyes of a man who is living an inner exile.
Half blind and half deaf, ostraziced Cuban writer Rafael Alcides tries to finish his unpublished novels to discover that after several decades, the home made ink from the typewriter he used to write them has faded. The Cuban revolution as a love story and eventual deception is seen through the eyes of a man who is living an inner exile.
Memorias del desarrollo
Un intelectual cubano abandona la revolución y el subdesarrollo solo para encontrar que no encaja en su nueva vida en el desarrollo. Un estudio de un personaje solitario, sin política e ideología definidas, enfrentando el envejecimiento, el deseo y la imposibilidad del individuo de pertenecer a ninguna sociedad. La narrativa del filme es un collage de recuerdos, ensoñaciones, compuestos de ficción, animación y elementos documentales manipulados y ensamblados de una manera que sugiere la manera en que opera la memoria personal subjetiva. La película está basada en la novela homónima de Edmundo Desnoes.
Red Cockroaches
Primero de una trilogía: en una Nueva York devastada por lluvias ácidas, un hombre de unos veinte años se encuentra con una misteriosa y familiar joven que interrumpe la banalidad de su existencia cotidiana. Juntos, se embarcarán en un viaje surrealista con un clímax devastador.
Red Cockroaches
Primero de una trilogía: en una Nueva York devastada por lluvias ácidas, un hombre de unos veinte años se encuentra con una misteriosa y familiar joven que interrumpe la banalidad de su existencia cotidiana. Juntos, se embarcarán en un viaje surrealista con un clímax devastador.