David Reinprecht


Call Me King
Italian Mobster
En el mundo internacional de contrabando de armas ... la lealtad, el honor y la discreción son bienes valiosos, pero no hay nada más de valor incalculable que la unión de la familia. Poder engendra enemigos y unos seres queridos cortes traición como un cuchillo. Lados serán elegidos, las guerras se librarán. Al final, sólo puede haber un Rey.
The Snow Queen
Colonel Wagner
A mysterious presence has threatened humanity for hundreds of years as it lurks in the frozen wastes people avoid. Nearly unnoticed as its power grows, she's been slowly draining the planet of one of its most precious resources. It takes two groups of adventurers, separated in time, to defeat her and the army of demons and monsters she can summon- one with swords and shields of iron, the other with assault rifles and body armor. Written by Barry Massoni