Susan Lyons

Susan Lyons

Nacimiento : , Sydney, New South Wales, Australia


Susan Lyons


En una tierra salvaje
Helen Stevens
Ambientada durante la II Guerra Mundial, tras el bombardeo japonés de Pearl Harbour, "In a Savage Land" narra la historia de un pareja de científicos recién casados que decide irse de Australia a las Islas Tobriand, en Papúa Nueva Guinea, con objeto de estudiar el comportamiento sexual de los habitantes de aquellas islas. Ella es una ambiciosa doctora, y su marido un famoso antropólogo que espera volver a destacar en su profesión. Pero pronto surgen los problemas. El doctor trata a Evelyn como una estudiante sin experiencia. Entonces aparece Mick, un traficante de perlas que explota a los nativos- pero por el que Evelyn se siente rápidamente atraída.
Hilary Dredge
Larceny, adultery, sabotage and treachery. Yes, just your typical Christmas with the Dredge family! Twelve-year-old Joey Dredge is in trouble again. Expelled for jumping off the school roof, he's haunted by his father's death and hates his mother's new boyfriend and his bullying son. Compounding his misery is the knowledge he has to spend Christmas with them at the family beach house. Things look grim until the unexpected arrival of great-grandfather Albert, fresh from a stint in prison. Forced to share the back shed with this swearing, farting and devious octogenarian, Joey's life changes. Between barbecuing the family dog, performing a self-burial and causing his intended step-father to consume a startling amount of hash, Joey learns a few life lessons from Albert, who despite his many vices may give Joey the strength to accept the past and embrace the future.
Napoleón, el perrito aventurero
Napoleon's Mom (voice)
¿Puede un perrito conquistar el mundo si tiene un aspecto dulce y tierno y su nombre es Copito? No ha de ser fácil, seguro. Así que el cachorro prefiere que le llamen Napoleón. Porque lo que él quiere es lanzarse a la aventura, conocer nuevos lugares, liberar sus verdaderos instintos y disfrutar de la vida salvaje.Un día llega la oportunidad. Un globo le aleja accidentalmente de la tranquilidad del hogar y la protección de su madre. Napoleón aterriza en las regiones más salvajes de Australia, donde deberá aprender a sobrevivir por sí mismo. El valiente perrito aventurero conocerá a todo tipo de animales. Algunos serán sus amigos, pero otros se convertirán en un terrible peligro.
The Roly Poly Man
Sandra Burnett
Private detective Dirk Trent, a collector of cigarette butts, a "smooth" ladies man, a wearer of bad suits, and he's convinced there's more to an incident he caught on tape, where a man seemed about to murder his mistress with an axe. Delving deeper, the film enters some seldom-trodden territory as it slips easily into horror and sci-fi, while still maintaining the hilarious dialogue
No Worries
Ellen Bell
A family is forced off their farm due to drought, and move to Sydney.
Lawyer Jeff Warren takes over a compensation case after the sudden death of one of his legal partners. His subsequent investigations, and growing obsession with the enigmatic Ellen Fielding, compromise his values and his view of himself as a winner. His attempts to solve the complex intrigues lead him to be accused of the murder of Ellen's husband, Harry, and even his longtime partner and friend, Alison, finds it difficult to believe that he is innocent. His moral dilemma leads him into a final graphic confrontation, with unexpected results.
Wendy Cracked a Walnut
Wendy’s bored with everyday life…But Jake’s about to take her from Mills and Boon to Champagne and Roses.
The Riddle of the Stinson
Jean Batten
In 1937, a routine passenger and mail flight crashes during bad weather on a flight between Brisbane and Sydney. A local bushman begins a search, and finds the wreckage and two survivors ten days after the crash.
Del amor y del deseo
Mrs. Fielding
1939. Marge vive en una pequeña localidad maderera de Nueva Gales del Sur, Australia. Siempre se ha sentido avergonzada por el comportamiento liberal de su madre, por eso se ha casado con Sonny, un apuesto maderero recién llegado a la ciudad, un hombre afectuoso, indiferente por el prejuicio de la ciudad contra su esposa, que le da una seguridad y la vida despreocupada y respetable que ella siempre quiso tener. La llegada del hermano de Sonny desata una inesperada y extraña tensión sexual en las vidas de los recién casados. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Winds of Jarrah
Diana Venness
Australia 1946. A young woman escapes from an unhappy affair to become tutor to three children who are being raised by their uncle.