Petra Areskoug

Petra Areskoug


Petra Areskoug


Secret Santa
Sin duda, Navidad es la época más terrorífica del año, y más aún si se pasa en familia. Si no, que se lo pregunten a los Pope, que se han reunido en tan señalada fecha, de celebración y de regalos. El problema es que este año, en vez de agasajarse, los Pope han decidido sincerarse y decir qué piensan unos de otros. La verdad terminará bañando en sangre la cena de Nochebuena.
Dracula arrives in Los Angeles to drain Hollywood of blood. Van Helsing is looking for Dracula to revenge his dead father. Lucy is missing in action and Mina is kidnapped.
The Harsh Life of Veronica Lambert
Desire and addiction form the confluence of bad choices and unintended consequences for Veronica Lambert. Her desperation to see her desires fulfilled is palpable as she acclimatizes to big city life, while assuaged by the good intentions of Mr. New York, an old-time movie hustler who befriends the new arrival to the Hollywood scene. Her interest in true love and naivete in life becomes fodder for her married lover, who ultimately seduces her into a criminally-sociopathic and brutal act. Similar to Crash or Pulp Fiction, each character's progressively egocentric motives juxtapose one another, form a cross-hatch of competing elements to complicate and in the end, clarify the outcome of a long path toward betrayal and loss.