Erma E. Levin
Nacimiento : 1921-03-25,
Muerte : 1998-02-24
Erma E. Levin worked as a (supervising) music editor for film and television productions.
Music Editor
Mara es la esposa que quiere más. Jake, el amante del que ella quiere más. Donny, el marido al que la guerra casi destruyó. Reed, el extraño que responde a las plegarias más oscuras de todos. Mara y Donny son la pareja ideal, joven, ricos y atractivos. Sólo las pesadillas horribles de Vietnam que rondan a Donny hacen que su vida no sea perfecta.
Music Editor
Silverado es una vieja ciudad fronteriza del Oeste. En 1880, cuatro vaqueros cabalgan por el polvoriento camino de la ciudad: los hermanos Emmett, el aventurero Paden y un duro vaquero de raza negra. Al llegar encuentran un ambiente hostil que les obliga a tomar decisiones con las que no todos están de acuerdo. Su principal enemigo es el comisario, que se dice salvaguarda de la ley, aunque muy a su manera. Para empezar, regenta una cantina.
Music Editor
Twelve year old Jennifer is unhappy with her widowed mom's relationship with a family friend. Feeling lonely, she readily accepts the friendship of an adult man named Howie and joins the softball team he coaches. Soon, Howie is convincing Jennifer to pose for photographs which become more and more revealing. Howie turns out to be a pedophile who works in child pornography and he plans to make Jennifer a "star". Will Jennifer's mother be able to help her daughter before it's too late?
Music Editor
A young man wishes to adopt a problematical eight-year-old boy being kept in an institution. Simply because he is single, he has an uphill battle with the government bureaucracy, and particularly with a power-hungry administrator. After many delays, they deny his application. Then, he finds a way to turn the tables on them for the boy's own good.
Music Editor
Computer genius and chess champion Ted Danson is lured into service by secret agent Eleanor Parker and becomes a reluctant hero thanks to a number of exploits with villainous Christopher Lee and his army of lethal blue-eyed blonde women.
Music Editor
El ejecutivo publicitario Ted Kramer consigue la mejor cuenta de la agencia el mismo día en que su mujer decide divorciarse, dejándole solo con su hijo de 7 años. Comienza así una dura etapa en la que tendrá que ejercer de padre soltero de un niño que echa de menos a su madre y, al mismo tiempo, no descuidar su carrera profesional. Cuando tras un tiempo parece que la relación con su hijo va mejorando, la madre aparece para pedir la custodia del pequeño.
Music Editor
George Burns stars as a former vaudevillian who befriends a young runaway, played by 14-year old Brooke Shields, who is being chased by drug dealers.
Music Editor
The ex-girlfriend of a laywer, who left him for a lesbian lover, asks him to defend her lover in a murder case.
Music Editor
The chronicle of an average American housewife who just happens to be addicted to gambling.
Music Editor
Based on Gail Sheehy's book, this film chronicles how a reporter for a New York City magazine decided to investigate the city's prostitution industry to find out just who was making all the money. What she found out caused a firestorm of controversy--that many of the city's richest and most powerful families and corporations benefited directly and indirectly from the illegal sex business.
Music Editor
A lonely old man (Martin Balsam) finds his life beginning to have some meaning when he helps a teenager living in a rehab center.
Music Editor
Unos delincuentes armados secuestran un vagón del metro de Nueva York y retienen como rehenes a 17 pasajeros. A cambio de su liberación exigen que, en el plazo de una hora, se les pague un rescate de un millón de dólares; en caso contrario, amenazan con matar un rehén por cada minuto de retraso. Para entretener al inflexible jefe de la banda (Robert Shaw) hasta la entrega del dinero, el teniente de policía Garber (Matthau) tendrá que usar todo su ingenio.
Music Editor
"Papillon", un hombre condenado por asesinato, es enviado a un penal de la Guayana francesa. Durante el viaje en barco, conoce a Luis Dega, falsificador de Bonos de la Defensa Nacional, un hombre débil, al que "Papillon" ofrece protección a cambio del dinero que necesita para huir de la cárcel.
Music Editor
Dakota del Sur, 1959. Cuando el joven Kit Carruthers (Martin Sheen) conoce a Holly (Sissy Spacek), decide dejar atrás su mediocre vida y alcanzar el triunfo sea como sea. Pero tras un trágico incidente, ambos jóvenes se convierten en fugitivos.
Music Editor
A small-town sheriff is confronted with the deaths of local senior citizens and strange goings-on in his town.
Music Editor
Un paciente ingresado en un manicomio decide escapar y embauca a Billy, un inocente empleado del centro, para que lo acompañe prometiéndole dinero y prosperidad. En su huida, conocen a Jimmie Jean, una camarera que está decidida a cambiar de vida y se va con ellos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Music Editor
Two city couples decide to leave the hectic urban life and retreat to the country, but find that rural living isn't quite what they thought it would be.
Original Music Composer
A projectionist bored with his everyday life begins fantasizing about his being one of the superheroes he sees in the movies he shows.
Music Editor
Chris Robinson plays an eyepatched Vietnam vet named Ross Archer, who comes home to find that his wife had left him and become involved with some shady business dealings.