The King assigns two tutors for the young Crown Prince and intrigues start flourishing at the Royal Court.
The Cambodian government of centuries ago must put an end to attempted secession.
A guru and his follower, who have lived in the ruins of Angkor for 150 years, return to the world to save the Cambodian people.
This is a movie from Cambodia and it was actually directed by King Norodom Sihanouk, the king of Cambodia. It depicts the events of 1975 that ended with the fall of Phnom Penh to the Khmer Rouge.
Yong Poeuv, father
Primer largometraje de ficción dirigido por Rithy Panh, el más importante cineasta camboyano, que se centra en las dificultades de una familia cuya vida gira en torno al cultivo del arroz, y que a su vez, sirve como metáfora del sufrimiento y la ausencia de futuro de su propio pueblo durante y tras el genoc