The fairytale story revolves around a young prince who - along with his entourage - is turned into a nutcracker through his own ungrateful and selfish behaviour, and awaits a kindly soul who'll release him from the spell. The mouse-king seeks the magic that made this happen so that he can become all-powerful. The prince (now a nutcracker) finds hope in the form of a girl who risks everything to help him become real again, while the mouse-king and his armies do everything they can to steal the magic for themselves.
First Assistant Director
Oscar Grubman, un estudiante de quince años que habla francés y cita a Voltaire, considera que las chicas de su edad ni han vivido ni saben lo suficiente para resultar interesantes. Así que, cuando vuelve a su casa de Manhattan para pasar las vacaciones de Thanksgiving con su padre, que se ha vuelto a casar, intentará seducir a su madura madrastra.