Max Röthlisberger

Nacimiento : 1914-09-27,

Muerte : 2003-07-28


Der schwarze Hecht
Albert Oberholzer
It's director Oberholzer's sixtieth birthday. His wife and daughter Anna receive the guests who are invited to the feast, with a dish of pike as the main course. But suddenly, the celebration turns sour at the appearance of an unexpected guest - namely Oberholzer's brother Alois, the black sheep of the family, who disappeared years ago. As it turns out, Alois has since changed his name to "Obolski" and become ringmaster of a major circus. Him and his wife Iduna quickly threaten the morals and standards of the bourgeois party, and they proceed to turn the boring proceedings into a turbulent circus show. Fortunately, after much confusion, the story ends happily - altough the pike has burned black in the oven!
Zum goldenen Ochsen
El cebo
Production Design
Una niña aparece asesinada en el bosque de un pequeño pueblo suizo. Enseguida las sospechas recaen sobre el viejo vendedor ambulante que encontró el cadáver. Solamente el comisario Matei duda de su culpabilidad, pero se acaba de retirar y deja el caso en manos de un compañero. Mientras tanto, el anciano, incapaz de resistir la situación, se suicida en su celda. Ya en el aeropuerto, a punto de coger el avión, el comisario Matei repara en algunos detalles contados por los niños de la escuela y decide aplazar su viaje para empezar a investigar por su cuenta.
The Zürrer Bakery
Production Design
Widowed baker Zürrer has to raise his three children, who all turn out to be disappointments to him in various ways.