Kelvin Crew Member
Todo está preparado para el viaje inaugural de la nave más moderna que jamás se haya creado: la USS Enterprise. Su joven tripulación tiene una importante misión: encontrar una manera de detener al malvado Nero que, movido por la venganza, amenaza a toda la humanidad. Pero el destino de la galaxia está en manos de dos jóvenes rivales, que nacieron en mundos diferentes. Uno de ellos, Tiberius James Kirk, humano, busca emociones y es un líder nato. El otro, Spock, medio humano y medio vulcaniano, es menospreciado por los vulcanianos, por sus emociones humanas.
Carnegie Mellon University Professor
"Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams" was given on September 18, 2007 at Carnegie Mellon University's McConomy Auditorium.[23] Over 450 Carnegie Mellon students, staff members, and friends of Pausch attended the lecture, leaving only standing room as this was more than the auditorium could hold. With equal parts humor and heart, Carnegie Mellon University Professor Randy Pausch delivered a one-of-a-kind lecture that moved an overflow crowd at Carnegie Mellon University -- and is now moving audiences around the globe. Follow his inspiring journey through his childhood dreams to groundbreaking achievements at Carnegie Mellon. Co-founder of the university's Entertainment Technology Center and creator of Alice, a revolutionary software that teaches computer programming, Randy shares the lessons he's learned that helped him turn his childhood dreams into reality.