Javier Miquelez


Ronda nocturna
A long night's journey into day: Victor, a street hustler in the Santa Fe and Pueyrredón neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, from the evening of November 1, All Saints Day, to the dawn of November 2, All Souls Day. Victor's odyssey takes him from clients to friends to a gay gym then a hotel room and an all-night café. He plays pick-up soccer with kids whose parents are going through trash or waiting in parks. A vendor gives him a chrysanthemum. It seems he's being followed, and on the night streets, death is close at hand. Can Victor survive until dawn?
Ronda nocturna
Executive Producer
A long night's journey into day: Victor, a street hustler in the Santa Fe and Pueyrredón neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, from the evening of November 1, All Saints Day, to the dawn of November 2, All Souls Day. Victor's odyssey takes him from clients to friends to a gay gym then a hotel room and an all-night café. He plays pick-up soccer with kids whose parents are going through trash or waiting in parks. A vendor gives him a chrysanthemum. It seems he's being followed, and on the night streets, death is close at hand. Can Victor survive until dawn?
Las tumbas
Director of Photography
Un chico de 13 años sufre detenciones y castigos.
Guerreros y cautivas
Director of Photography
Ambientada en 1880, durante la última etapa de la Conquista del Desierto en un fuerte en la Patagonia, la esposa francesa de un coronel mantiene cautiva a una indígena para civilizarla.
Lo que vendrá
Director of Photography
Herido de bala en una manifestación de protesta, un joven es llevado a un hospital en una Buenos Aires casi apocalíptica y de fuerte control de un estado policial. El oficial que lo hirió se propone terminar la faena, pero no cuenta con la presencia del enfermero...