Martín Céspedes


Toda esta sangre en el monte
Cuando el agronegocio llegó con su máquina modernizadora, el monte santiagueño se volvió un campo de batalla. Toda esta sangre en el monte es un retrato frontal de la lucha de miles de familias campesinas que reclaman sus tierras, y la de Cristian Ferreyra, un joven asesinado por defenderlas. When agribusiness arrived with its modernizing machine, the mountains of Santiago became a battlefield. All this blood in the mountains is a frontal portrait of the struggle of thousands of peasant families who reclaim their lands, and that of Cristian Ferreyra, a young man murdered for defending them.
Ronda nocturna
Joven lector en el Bar
A long night's journey into day: Victor, a street hustler in the Santa Fe and Pueyrredón neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, from the evening of November 1, All Saints Day, to the dawn of November 2, All Souls Day. Victor's odyssey takes him from clients to friends to a gay gym then a hotel room and an all-night café. He plays pick-up soccer with kids whose parents are going through trash or waiting in parks. A vendor gives him a chrysanthemum. It seems he's being followed, and on the night streets, death is close at hand. Can Victor survive until dawn?
Yo no sé qué me han hecho tus ojos
Argentinean singer and tango legend Ada Falcón disappeared without a trace in 1942 at the height of her career. This is the story of how she was located sixty years later, living in an unexpected way, in an unexpected place.