The story revolves around a "surprise" kidnapping case. Liu Xiaojun (Dapeng), the owner of the car dealership, was involved in a kidnapping case for the accident of reselling a black car. He was surrounded by the kidnapped little girl Kiki (Ulanto Yaduo), the dereliant brother Xia Xi (Ou Hao) Several seemingly irrelevant people, such as Xia Tao (Sha Baoliang), dancers (Li Meng ), and second-hand car dealers (Cao Bingyu), have also fallen into the abyss of eternal annihilation.
Travis es un reconocido paleontólogo que pretende demostrar la existencia de una criatura prehistórica en una zona remota donde varios trabajadores han sido atacados. Para ello, no duda en desplazarse hasta allí con un equipo de expertos. Pero deberá enfrentarse a su enemigo Harker, un hombre sin escrúpulos que pretende cazar a la bestia para hacerse rico.