An all-new action-adventure that follows Dorothy, the self-proclaimed genius con artist who recruited the infamous Laurent Thierry to the life of crime. This time around, she has been defeated at her own game by the Shanghai Longu Bang and is thought to be dead, but she soon reemerges in a small seaside village. Pursued by the underworld of Taipei, she heads to Kyoto, but what will she find waiting for her there…?!
Yamato y compañía se disponen a pasar la tarde en un día de campo al lado del arroyo cuando son sorprendidos por unos ninjas muy particulares. Ellos son los Ninningers quienes han llegado allí para acabar con los llamados Zyuohger ya que han oído que éstos últimos estuvieron causando grandes atrocidades últimamente. Sin mediar discusiones se da la batalla entre ambas facciones, pero todo dependerá de un pequeño joven que traerá un mensaje desde el futuro para lo que vendrá luego con los nuevos héroes.
El reino mágico de Lucis es el hogar de los sagrados Crystal, pero el amenazador imperio de Niflheim no se detendrá ante nada para hacerlo suyo. El rey Regis de Lucis comanda una fuerza de soldados de élite llamada Kingsglaive, que luchan en la ciudad de Insomnia para detener el avance del ejercito de Niflheim. Ante la abrumadora fuerza militar del imperio, el rey Regis tan solo puede salvar su reino aceptando un ultimátum, deberá ceder todas las tierras fuera de la ciudad y ver a su hijo, el principe Noctis, casado con Lady Lunafreya, la princesa de Tenebrae cautiva de Nifheim.
A pair of jewels hold the secret to an even greater treasure, but there are so many obstacles in Lupin's way. The smallest one is Maki, a precocious fourteen year old girl who wants Lupin to teach her to be a thief. But what is her tie to the treasure and the mysterious girl Misa, a girl who cannot die? The secrets behind the treasure reach back even into Lupin's past; will the Blood Seal be opened?!
Jiantan is a young boy who has to leave Xi'an after the death of his mother to go deep into the Tibetan prairies to start living with the father he barely remembers. His dad, LaGeBa, is a busy doctor who decided to depart from the city and reside in Tibet where he is the essential physician of the poor community he lives in. To help his father, Jiantan has to learn how to herd sheep. While trying to learn his new responsibility, he is saved by a stray gold-colored Tibetan Mastiff. Both Jiantan and the big dog help each other as they try to adjust to this new environment.