Petra Lataster-Czisch


Journey Through Our World
Working out using bottles as weights, talking to good friends on Zoom and after an hour deciding whether to request a new link. Suddenly noticing those two crows in the garden. Covid shrank the world of documentary-making couple Petra and Peter Lataster, so they pointed the camera at themselves, the nature in the garden, and their neighbors.
El agente topo
Consulting Editor
Sergio es un espía chileno. O algo parecido. Al menos, se le ha ofrecido este trabajo después de un casting organizado por el detective Rómulo, un investigador privado que necesita a un topo creíble para infiltrarse en un hogar de retirada. La cliente de Rómulo, una hija de una residente preocupada por el trato que ésta pueda estar recibiendo, sospecha que su madre podría estar siendo maltratada, por lo que le contrata para descubrir qué es exactamente lo que está sucediendo.
You Are My Friend
Follow the vivacious six-year-old Branche, who has recently arrived in the Netherlands from Macedonia with his parents. Branche goes to school for the first time, but he doesn’t speak the language and doesn’t know anybody. Finding a friend isn’t all that easy.
Miss Kiet's Children
Kiet Engels is the kind of teacher one wishes every schoolchild could have. She is strict but never harsh. She is loving but never soft. Her patience in endless. Miss Kiet’s pupils have only just arrived in Holland. Many are refugees. Everything is new and confusing. Some at first are quarrelsome and headstrong. But Miss Kiet’s firm but loving hand brings calm and awakens interest. She not only teaches her pupils to read and write Dutch, but also helps them learn to solve problems together and respect one another. Slowly the children gain skills and confidence.
Awake in a Bad Dream
One in eight Dutch women gets breast cancer, which means that most people know someone who struggles with this life-threatening disease. The part of a woman's body where she is probably the most vulnerable, beautiful, proud and sexy becomes a source of despair and rage. For Ingrid, Vicky and Sabrina, breast cancer takes on various forms. They are working towards recovery through tough and painful treatment, but are acutely aware that the disease can rear its ugly head again without warning. They feel damaged and insecure, and their self-esteem is at stake, for the disease has eroded their sense of femininity. In a very personal and intimate way, Awake in a Bad Dream shows how the women and their partners try to regain control of their lives after the diagnosis. Without comment or interviews, the film follows Ingrid, Vicky and Sabrina as they face inevitable and painful choices at the hospital.
Awake in a Bad Dream
One in eight Dutch women gets breast cancer, which means that most people know someone who struggles with this life-threatening disease. The part of a woman's body where she is probably the most vulnerable, beautiful, proud and sexy becomes a source of despair and rage. For Ingrid, Vicky and Sabrina, breast cancer takes on various forms. They are working towards recovery through tough and painful treatment, but are acutely aware that the disease can rear its ugly head again without warning. They feel damaged and insecure, and their self-esteem is at stake, for the disease has eroded their sense of femininity. In a very personal and intimate way, Awake in a Bad Dream shows how the women and their partners try to regain control of their lives after the diagnosis. Without comment or interviews, the film follows Ingrid, Vicky and Sabrina as they face inevitable and painful choices at the hospital.
Jeroen Jeroen
The 15-year-old intellectually disabled Jeroen lives with his mother. During the day he is in a shelter. He spends the weekend with his father. Because of his autistic disorder, Jeroen is very sensitive to stimuli and he always needs care and guidance. Directors Peter Lataster and Petra Lataster-Czisch follow the life of the adolescent, his mother Anita and his regular companion Kevin for four months. They are filmed close to the skin and without comment they show how Jeroen systematically tests his surroundings.
Niet zonder jou
Portrait of the filmmaker's parents (in law), whose deteriorating health in old age is slowly separating them.
Geluk is als glas
El siglo XXI parece ser de una riqueza inagotable, pero ¿cómo de buenos son nuestros cambios de felicidad es este nuevo siglo de oro? La Haya, sede del gobierno holandés, siempre ha sido una ciudad en la que la riqueza y la pobreza han coexistido. En Fragile Happiness contemplamos nuestra opulenta sociedad a través de la perspectiva de este filósofo, un adelantado a su tiempo. Los actuales vecinos de Spinoza persiguen cada uno a su manera la felicidad. Seguimos a Jan, el barrendero; a Nancy, la bailarina; a Peter, el gerente; y a Arie, el proxeneta. Le haremos una visita a una pareja amante del arte, don y doña Nystad, conoceremos al ex millonario Hans y a Nur, un refugiado de Somalia. Sus caminos se cruzan una y otra vez en el ajetreo diario entre la Nueva Iglesia y la estatua de Spinoza.
The Arctic Is Calling
This children's adventure movie is a charming tale of a group of youngsters in Prague who hear that Soviet sailors abandoned their failing ship in the Arctic Sea before it went down, but no one had been able to find the sailors yet. Inspired by the efforts to save the men, the youngsters strike out on their own to help in the rescue attempt.
If We Knew
If We Knew is a documentary about paediatricians in an intensive-care unit for newborns. A film about the compassion needed to heal the sick and occasionally needed to hasten the death of a child.
Droomland DDR
En la película, los directores retratan a cuatro de los antiguos compañeros de clase de Petra y a la misma Petra. Con frecuencia sus recuerdos sobre su juventud y sus días en el instituto difieren radicalmente de aquellos de sus contemporáneos. Han pasado catorce años desde que cayó el Muro de Berlín. Un cambio que fue tremendamente importante en la vida de los ex compañeros de clase de Petra. Los protagonistas hablan sobre el amor, sus carreras y sus ambiciones con el telón de fondo de una sociedad que sufrió un cambio radical de un día para otro. Petra vuelve a un país que casi ha olvidado, la antigua Alemania del Este. Una película conmovedora sobre los valores humanos y los recuerdos.