Louis Mataré


Post Producer
Las nuevas tecnologías están transformando una ciudad relojera del siglo XIX en Suiza. Josephine, una joven trabajadora de una fábrica, produce la rueda de disturbios, que gira en el corazón del reloj mecánico. Expuesta a nuevas formas de organizar el dinero, el tiempo y el trabajo, se involucra en el movimiento local de los relojeros anarquistas, donde conoce al viajero ruso Pyotr Kropotkin.
The Maddock Manifesto
It all begins in an empty theatre. In search of a manuscript that is supposed to change the world, Ben embarks on an odyssey. He encounters a flying fish, a telephone without a dial, an oracle called Enigma and a mystical canine figure in a deserted mountain landscape – reality and longings become inextricably intertwined on his visually stunning journey.
Beyto es el único hijo de una familia de inmigrantes turcos. Está en medio de la vida: nadador talentoso, aprendiz motivado, y amigo genial. Pero cuando se enamora de su entrenador Mike, un mundo ideal se cae a pedazos. Sus padres solo ven una salida: lo llevan a su pueblo natal y planean su boda con Seher, su amiga de la infancia. De repente, Beyto se encuentra en un triángulo amoroso disruptivo.
War and Peace
Hace años ya que Farocki nos invitó a desconfiar de las imágenes, y que Rivette nos alertó de la abyección de un travelín. Este film recoge ese espíritu en un inteligente y esclarecedor recuento de quién produce (y cómo) las imágenes de la guerra. Empezando por la mirada colonialista de los archivos de la invasión de Italia a Libia en 1911, siguiendo por la actual pluralidad y sobrecarga de imágenes del mundo por cuenta de smartphones y cámaras de seguridad, para recalar en una “escuela de cine” y archivo audiovisual militar (quizás la parte más fascinante del film) y sus lecciones de cómo registrar y contar un conflicto.
«A heroine's quest» portrays the Muslim woman Naima Serroukh as she sets up her pilot project Tasamouh to combat religious extremism. Naima's story is told as she goes about her work as manager of the project and gives us an insight into the world of prevention work. Besides her search for financing and partners, her personal conflicts, she gives advice to distraught mothers, coaches young people and tries to provide them with support in their integration process. «A heroine's quest» paints the portrait of a strong woman, who has come to accept that progress can only be made in tiny baby steps, but at the end of the day, it's all about making life together a bit better. A portrait of an everyday heroine. An impression of the Muslim community in the fight against prejudice.
«Energy Pioneers» portrays two visionaries and their fellow campaigners as they fight to solving one of humanity’s most challenging problems. A film about obstacles, crises and the power of an idea.
Of Loving and Lying
"Of Loving and Lying" is first and foremost about love. Director Annina Furrer traces our need for deep, lifelong connection in marriage and partnership and examines the widespread desire and claim for sexual fidelity. In doing so, she encounters a reality full of slips, flings and secret love affairs, in a world of dreams, longings and fantasies. How it is that practically all couples hold the concept of fidelity so dear and yet a surprisingly large number do not adhere to it? If we really want to love and grow old together, shouldn't we perhaps leave behind entrenched ways of thinking? Overcome inveterate possessiveness and strive for a new concept of fidelity? A fidelity that is not necessarily understood as sexual fidelity, but as trust, tenderness, honesty and freedom that we give each other as lovers?
Let The Old Folks Die
Kevin lives in a time and place where everything is permitted and accepted. He wants to rebel – but against what? A tragicomedy about youth gasping for air in a cotton-candy world. A generation seeking a reason for its malaise and a way to shed the boredom – only to discover, at most, its own emptiness. That’s no way to start a revolution. Or perhaps?
Miraculous Spiral
Water, air, earth, fire, ether. Four different stories that tell and show a reaching out towards immortality. We dedicate the element water to immortality in science, that of air to the immortality of art, that of earth to the immortality of faith and that of fire to the immortality of feelings. Ether, linked to the cosmos and the stars, is a tribute to the film industry.
Camera Operator
Die neue Achtsamkeit
Work Hard Play Hard
Work Hard Play Hard
Camera Operator
Endlich Chef
Endlich Chef
Camera Operator
Camera Operator
Frau Mercedes
Camera Operator
In Bern, Madame Mercedes has been working for 35 years in her car as a prostitute. An intimate and subtle portrait about ageing as a prostitute, a documentary about a vanishing chapter of habits in Switzerland.
Frau Mercedes
In Bern, Madame Mercedes has been working for 35 years in her car as a prostitute. An intimate and subtle portrait about ageing as a prostitute, a documentary about a vanishing chapter of habits in Switzerland.