Air Commodore Philips
Vienna, at the close of World War II. An intriguing relationship between a priest and a wealthy Jewish woman. Both tender and violent, a story of faith, love and service. Based on the life of an Irish catholic priest who was a Chaplain in the RAF.
Ambientada en Francia, en 1386, cuenta el enfrentamiento entre el caballero Jean de Carrouges y el escudero Jacques LeGris , al acusar el primero al segundo de abusar de su esposa, Marguerite de Carrouges. El Rey Carlos VI decide que la mejor forma de solucionar el conflicto es un duelo a muerte. El que venza será el ganador, sin embargo, si lo hace el escudero, la esposa del caballero será quemada como castigo por falsas acusaciones.
A love passion between a man and a woman through their phone conversations.
Captain Crowford
Una fuerza oscura amenaza a Alpha, una vasta metrópolis y hogar de especies de mil planetas. Los agentes especiales Valerian y Laureline deben correr para identificar la amenaza y salvaguardar no solo a Alpha, sino al futuro del universo.
Narrator (voice)
Admiral George Burkley
Película sobre la exprimera dama estadounidense Jacqueline Kennedy, centrada en los días inmediatamente posteriores al asesinato de JFK, en Dallas, el 22 de noviembre del año 1963.
Le père de Rowan
The worst teachers of France landed in England for an ultra-secret mission. With Boulard, the King of the Dunces, they are parachuted in the best school of the country, and they will apply their famous methods on the future of the nation.
Dr. Reinhard Winkler
Marie (Ane Dahl Torp) es una científica noruega que verá transformada su vida tras asistir a un seminario en París sobre el actual peso del kilo, que es su propia medición de la decepción, el dolor y, el no menos importante,amor.
Self - Narrator (voice)
Una mirada retrospectiva a la vida y carrera de Charlie Chaplin, desde su dura infancia y su éxito en el music hall en Inglaterra hasta sus primeros días en Hollywood y el desarrollo de su enormemente popular personaje, el Pequeño Vagabundo, también llamado Charlot.
Giovanni's Lawyer Court House
Basada en la novela "Badfellas" de Tonino Benacquista, se adentra en la vida de la peculiar familia de los Manzoni, unos mafiosos italianos que, amparados por un programa de protección de testigos del FBI, se trasladan a Normandía, Francia. Allí tratan de comenzar una vida sosegada y apacible dejando atrás la violencia y las amenazas propias del pasado. Pero a pesar de poner todos sus esfuerzos en adaptarse al nuevo hogar, antes de lo esperado, se ven forzados a emplear sus antiguos métodos para solucionar un imprevisto, recuperando así sus viejos hábitos.
Alan Bates
Marvin (voice)
Blackie, la oveja negra, está obsesionada con ir a la Luna. Kanuto, el perro pastor, está obsesionado con Blackie, pero no quiere ni oír hablar de cohetes. Sin embargo, acaban emprendiendo el viaje soñado por Blackie. Por el camino encuentran vacas que son cantantes de ópera, lobos galantes, arañas inmigrantes sin papeles y un extraño grupito de perros que tienen un cohete listo para despegar. Pero Pinky, una descomunal oveja rosa de carácter endiablado, se lo impide.
President Warnock
La MS1 es una prisión experimental en el espacio, que orbita a 50 millas de la Tierra, donde los 500 criminales más peligrosos del planeta se encuentran retenidos en un estado de “letargo” inducido. A la cabeza de una misión humanitaria, la hija del presidente de los Estados Unidos, Emilie Warnock (Maggie Grace) llega a bordo de la prisión justo antes del estallido de un motín. Emilie y los trabajadores de la MS1 son tomados como rehenes por los violentos internos. El presidente Warnock decide enviar al agente Snow (Guy Pierce) a la MS1 con la única misión de salvar a Emilie a toda costa. Snow es un convicto encerrado por conspiración y espionaje contra los Estados Unidos.
General Montgomery
Maltazard ha conseguido colarse en el mundo de los humanos. Su objetivo es sencillo: reclutar un ejército de gigantescos secuaces y dominar el universo. Arthur parece ser el único capaz de frustrar sus planes, pero primero tendrá que volver a su habitación… ¡y recuperar su tamaño normal! Aunque sigue atrapado en un diminuto cuerpo de minimoy, contará con la ayuda de Selenia y Betameche, y, sorprendentemente, también la de Darkos, el hijo de Maltazard, que afirma estar de su lado. A pie, en bici, en coche o incluso en una Harley Davidson, Arthur y sus amigos emplearán cualquier medio a su alcance para librar su batalla final contra Maltazard... ¡Que empiece el combate!
Winston Churchill
Narrator (English version)
Freed from the shackles of communism in the 1990s, Russia seemed to be entering an era of rebirth. But as is often the case in that country, history unfolded harshly. For the majority of Russians, the transition to a market system was painful and chaotic - and anything but democratic. Amid the confusion, a few shrewd and ruthless businessmen exploited the loopholes in the Soviet economy to make fast money, staving off a return to communist rule. Nicknamed the oligarchs, these men, all billionaires, manoeuvred their way into Russia's political inner circle during glasnost, are credited with Boris Yeltsin's re-election in 1996, and suspected of anointing Vladimir Putin in 1999. They're powerful men with powerful enemies, and they continue to shape Russian society. Dizzying in its detail, The Rise and Fall of the Russian Oligarchs puts modern-day Russia into perspective.
Général Buchanan
El salón aeronáutico de Farnborough, Reino Unido. Un Mirage 2000 desparece en pleno vuelo. Los capitanes Antoine Marchelli y Sebastien Vallois son enviados inmediatamente a patrullar la zona sobre el Mar del Norte donde el caza desapareció de los radares. No tardan en divisar al Mirage: vuela escondido debajo de un Airbus A340. El Mirage se pone en posición de combate. En ese mismo instante Marchelli y Vallois reciben la orden de abandonar la persecución..
Professor Valentin
Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), Pierre Brossard (Michael Caine), un nazi que supervisó la ejecución de 14 judíos, se refugió en el sur de Francia. Pero, de repente, su apacible y anónima vida se ve perturbada, al ser implicado en una investigación sobre crímenes de guerra. Una ambiciosa juez (Tilda Swinton) trata de localizarlo, pero no sólo ella sigue sus pasos.
“Marilyn vs. Marilyn” tells the story of a little-known period of Marilyn’s life – the years she spent in New York, trying to became a ‘serious”’ actress, taking lessons with Lee Strasberg and setting up a production company with her photographer and trusted friend, Milton Green. Based on hitherto unpublished – and magical - photos from the Greene archives, the film focuses on the photographic image of a woman who remains one of the greatest legends in the history of cinema… and an enduring enigma.
Le militaire
The story is about a woman who is going to Trieste (a city in Italy) to search for informations about a writer who has never written.
Olivia, Irina and Masha are improving their acting skills. They no longer believe in Prince Charming, and their career is waning. Olivia works at the front desk at the airport and offers a wonderful plan: he would do so that friends will be aboard the Paris - New York plane and will sit next to wealthy men. Their task is to seduce the rich and pull them out of money. But the fraudsters do not suspect that Comissaire Bayard and his young assistant are closely watching them...
James Horton
Horton, an old mortal enemy, puts a criminal through plastic surgery to make her look like Tessa. The false Tessa sets Duncan up for the final death.
James Horton
Immortal Xavier St. Cloud has mortals shoot his Immortal opponents so he can take their heads. Joe tells Duncan about the killings to warn him, and soon St. Cloud and his henchmen show up at the dojo. Duncan discovers the supposedly-dead Horton is working with St. Cloud, and Joe knew that Horton was alive. Meanwhile, an army intelligence officer named Renee Delaney gets involved while she is investigating one of the men working with St. Cloud.
In 1922 the first documentary in the genre sense came on the big screen, "Nanook of the North" (1922). Kabloonak is the story of the making of this movie for which the story was partially staged by his director 'Robert Flaherty'.
"Smoking" and "No Smoking" are two segments of the film which are based on closely connected plays. The original plays covered eight separate stories, which have been pared down to three each for these movies. At a certain point in the story of each segment, the five female characters (all played by Sabine Azema) and the four male characters (all played by Pierre Arditi) have their lives skillfully recapped in terms of "what might have happened" if they had made or failed to make certain choices. For example, "No Smoking" focuses chiefly on the relationship between the mild-mannered Miles Coombes and his infinitely more aggressive and ambitious wife, Rowena.
"Smoking" and "No Smoking" are two segments of the film which are based on closely connected plays. The original plays covered eight separate stories, which have been pared down to three each for these movies. At a certain point in the story of each segment, the five female characters (all played by Sabine Azema) and the four male characters (all played by Pierre Arditi) have their lives skillfully recapped in terms of "what might have happened" if they had made or failed to make certain choices. For example, "No Smoking" focuses chiefly on the relationship between the mild-mannered Miles Coombes and his infinitely more aggressive and ambitious wife, Rowena.
Le Spectre
Un dibujante de cómics, aprovechando un viaje de trabajo a París, visita a su hija que estudia en la Sorbona. El choque cultural y la extraña actitud de la joven hacen que su estancia en la capital francesa sea especialmente difícil.
This somber drama chronicles the writings of Paltiel Kossover (Michel Jonasz), a Rumanian Jew who was incarcerated in a Stalinist prison. Zupanev (Erland Josephson) is a sympathetic court registrar who smuggles the documents and later presents them to the poet's son Grisha (Vincent David).
Whilst spending a few days on the Côte d’Azur with his friends, Jérôme meets Simorre, a strange young woman who will have a profound impact on him. Jérôme allows Simorre to take her into her world, and he soon finds himself caught in a terrible trap...
The documentary focuses on the annual Mani Rimdu festival of Tibet and Nepal, an event which encapsulates the Himalayan Buddhist experience.