Joseph Steven

Joseph Steven


Joseph Steven


A Date by Christmas Eve
Charity Santa
When Chelsea Simms, the good-hearted brand strategist for the popular dating app The Nice List, discovers the app has granted her magical powers, she uses her newfound ability to make all of the naughty people in her life learn how to be good again.
Star Trek: El futuro comienza
Romulan Engineer (uncredited)
Todo está preparado para el viaje inaugural de la nave más moderna que jamás se haya creado: la USS Enterprise. Su joven tripulación tiene una importante misión: encontrar una manera de detener al malvado Nero que, movido por la venganza, amenaza a toda la humanidad. Pero el destino de la galaxia está en manos de dos jóvenes rivales, que nacieron en mundos diferentes. Uno de ellos, Tiberius James Kirk, humano, busca emociones y es un líder nato. El otro, Spock, medio humano y medio vulcaniano, es menospreciado por los vulcanianos, por sus emociones humanas.
El rey Escorpión
Ambush Bandit (uncredited)
La historia se sitúa hace 5000 años en la célebre ciudad de Gomorrah, en la cual un malvado gobernador decide arrasar con todas las tribus nómadas del desierto. Las pocas tribús que sobreviven, que por naturaleza nunca han sido aliadas, deben unirse o morir. Sabiendo que su enemigo confía en las predicciones de un brujo, contratan a un afamado asesino, Mathayus, para que liquide al vidente. Tras infiltrarse en el campamento enemigo, Mathayus descubre que el brujo es una bella mujer. En lugar de asesinarla la conduce a los páramos del desierto profundo, sabiendo que los hombres del gobernador harán cualquier cosa con tal de rescatarla y llevarla de nuevo a su campamento. Gravemente herido tras la batalla, Mathayus debe encontrar la fuerza para llevar a sus exhautos aliados de vuelta a Gomorrah para luchar en la batalla final.
The Story of Jesus for Children
"The Story of Jesus for Children" is a video/DVD which will give every child, both churched and unchurched, a chance to see and hear the gospel of Jesus in a way he/she can understand, in every possible language worldwide. (see our Languages page for current list). "The Story of Jesus for Children" provides a solution to the challenge of teaching children the truth about God and His Son Jesus. The video allows children to hear and see the whole story at once, answering questions in clear and concrete terms, and providing fast action. *(The dialogue of the original "JESUS" film was taken from the Gospel of Luke. It has been translated into more than 1,000 languages and has had more than 6 billion viewings worldwide since 1979, making "JESUS" the most-watched film in history.)
The Story of the Twelve Apostles
Saint Matthew
They started out as average, unexceptional men of their time. Fishermen, farmers, local magistrates. But their dedication to a prophetic Jewish preacher in the backwaters of the Roman Empire transformed them into revolutionaries and, in the process, changed the world itself in ways that would reverberate across time for two thousand years. Now, discover the extraordinary, untold stories of the men chosen by Jesus to bring God’s plan to the world. Among them: Peter, the rock upon which Christ would build His new religion; James and John, the fiery-tempered “sons of thunder”; Matthew, the tax collector later murdered by cannibals; Simon the Zealot, the anti-Roman fanatic eventually “cut to pieces” preaching in Spain; and Judas Iscariot, whose betrayal would be paid for with silver and suicide.