Three years have passed, Antonio and Luca are seeing each other for the first time since Denis's death. Luca, who has hit rock bottom after the death of his friend, was lucky enough to meet Tancredi, his current boyfriend, ...while Antonio has focused on his work, so much so that he is now a well-known chef in a pastry shop. It is clear that there is still a special relationship between the two, but Antonio mistakes Luca's affection for something more and does everything he can to ruin his relationship with Tancredi, even though Cristina does not approve of his behavior. Will Antonio learn to leave the past behind in order to fully experience what the future has to offer him?
A 27-year-old guy from a peripheral Roman suburb leads a normal but repetitive life: his conscience manifests in the form of an armadillo with whom he has conversations bordering on paradoxical during which he updates him on what's happening in the world. Based on the best-selling graphic novel.
Guerra fría, años 60. Narra las aventuras de dos agentes secretos que se parecen más de lo que creen: Napoleon Solo, de la CIA, e Illya Kuryakin, del KGB. Ambos se ven obligados a olvidar sus diferencias y formar un equipo cuya misión será poner fin a una misteriosa organización criminal internacional que pretende desestabilizar el frágil equilibrio de poder provocado por la proliferación de las armas nucleares. La hija de un científico alemán desaparecido es la clave para infiltrarse en la organización, encontrar al científico y evitar una catástrofe mundial.
Middle-aged family man Arnaldo is kicked out by his wife because of a misunderstanding. Instead of despairing, Arnaldo takes advantage of the situation to turn around his unsatisfying adult life by going to live in a flat shared with four university students.
Two customs officers undercover, Marshal Remo Signorelli and Brigadier Riccardo Riva, try to stop Massimiliano Grilli, a master of evasion. On one occasion, Remo meets his old friend Fulvio who suspected he had an affair with his then girlfriend and now wife.
Retrato lleno de ironía sobre el inestable y frágil mundo de los sentimientos que caracteriza a nuestra época. En el transcurso de nuestra vida, todos terminamos siendo algún tipo de "ex": un exalumno, un excompañero de armas, un examigo, un exmejor amigo, un exnovio, un exmarido. Esta película está dedicada a ellos, al ejército de los "ex", para quienes siempre hay una segunda oportunidad.