Yasuko Matsuyuki

Yasuko Matsuyuki

Nacimiento : 1972-11-28, Tosu, Saga, Japan


Yasuko Matsuyuki is a Japanese actress and singer signed to Stardust Promotion.


Yasuko Matsuyuki
Yasuko Matsuyuki
Yasuko Matsuyuki
Yasuko Matsuyuki
Yasuko Matsuyuki
Yasuko Matsuyuki
Yasuko Matsuyuki
Yasuko Matsuyuki
Yasuko Matsuyuki


Air Girl
Sano Chiyo
Komari Sano's parents ran a small Tokyo factory that manufactured aircraft parts. With her parents' influence, Komari Sano dreamed of becoming a pilot. During World War II, her older brother died as a kamikaze pilot and her parents died during the bombing of Tokyo. Komari Sano became an orphan and lived with her aunt. Her aunt ran a ryotei (high end traditional restaurant). After the war, all aerial activities were initially banned in Japan. After long negotiations with the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers, Sizuo Matsuki, who is the security chief of Civil Aviation Bureau, finally launched Japan's civil aviation. Komari Sano applies for the position of a cabin attendant.
My Sweet Grappa Remedies
Yoshiko ha cumplido los 40 y no tiene hijos. Trabaja en una editorial y disfruta de los pequeños placeres de la vida como almorzar con sus colegas más jóvenes o beber aguardiente en casa. Su vida es tranquila, con más que agradecer que por lo que sentirse mal. Un día le presentan a un chico 24 años más joven que ella con el que comenzará una relación.
Fullmetal Alchemist
El alquimista Edward Elric busca la manera de devolverle el cuerpo a su hermano Al. Pero tanto los militares como unos misteriosos monstruos le vigilan atentamente.
The Old Capital
Chieko Sanda / Mitsuko Nakata
Chieko Sanda has operated a dry goods store in Kyoto for the past 20 years. Her family has owned the store for generations. Chieko is conflicted on whether her daughter Mai will take over her position with the changing of times. Mai is a college student and has not decided whether to take another job or take over the dry goods store. Meanwhile, Mitsuko Nakata runs a forestry in the outskirts of Kyoto. Mitsuko is Chieko Sanda’s twin sister, but they were separated at an early age. Mitsuko is in serious financial difficulties. Mituko's daughter, Yui, has talent in art and she goes to France. There, Yui feels a sense of powerlessness. Mitsuko notices and goes to Paris to see her daughter. Mai travels to Paris to take part in an event to show Japanese culture.
At Home
Satsuki Moriyama
A father, a mother, an elder son, a daughter and a younger son. A family of five. For all appearances, a perfectly normal, happy family. But none them related
The Apology King
Tetsuro's ex-wife
Ryoro Kurojima (Sadao Abe) is the director of a Tokyo apology center. His job is to teach others how to apologize. Ryoro Kurojima solves problems by using his apology techniques on anything from simple arbitration to a national crisis.
Ataru: The First Love And The Last Kill
Aio Hoshi
Ataru, who suffers from “savant syndrome,” has the power to discover, observe, see through, and deduct microscopic evidence of unsolved cases. Why does he always go to the criminal sites? What explains his strange behavior? Meanwhile, a mystery unfolds with Ataru and a woman named Madoka, who is a killer. The woman possesses the same extraordinary memory and deductive reasoning abilities as Ataru. Who is she?
The Brain Man
Doctor Mariko Washiya
En un pequeño pueblo de Japón, han tenido lugar una serie de explosiones. Cuando Midorikawa comienza a trabajar en el caso, Ichiro Suzuki (más conocido como "Brain Man) es acusado de cómplice. Ichiro tiene una memoria excelente, una gran inteligencia y un cuerpo perfecto, pero carece de emociones humanas. La neurocirujana Mariko Washiya, víctima de un trauma personal, cree que la naturaleza humana es bondadosa, de modo que se interesa por Brain Man e intenta descubrir la verdad. Basada en la novela "No Otoko" (Brain Man) de Urio Shudo.
Hotaru the Movie: It's Only a Little Light in My Life
Rio Saeki
Set two years after after "Hotaru no Hikari" drama series, Hotaru Amemiya learns that her boss and now husband Seichi Takano has dreamed of vacationing in Rome, Italy like in the movie "Roman Holiday". Hotaru then makes plans to go to Rome for their honeymoon. Rome, Italy prepare ... Hotaru Amemiy and Seichi Takano are coming!
Casting Blossoms to the Sky
Reiko Endo
In 2011, a journalist arrives in Nagaoka, a Japanese village that underwent destruction during both World War II and the 2004 Chūetsu earthquakes, and is now notable for the fireworks it launches annually in memory of the victims of war. She is there for two reasons: firstly, to learn about the experiences of Nagaoka's inhabitants, and secondly, to watch a stage play written by an enigmatic student of her ex-boyfriend, which depicts the bombing of the city during WWII.
Takakura Youko
Youko and Harumi have been friends since youth as their life circumstances were similar. Youko ends up marrying a politician and publishes a successful picture book basen on Harumi's life, when her son suddenly gets abducted.
Yuki Yamaoka
To pay off his loan shark, failed actor Ryōsuke Kinuta is forced to smuggle dead bodies – and one live elite assassin – in the middle of the night.
Threads of Our Hearts
Nagakura Reiko
Akito has been the ears and voice of his mother, Reiko, since he was a child. Reiko was born deaf and has long dreamed that her son would become a professional pianist. Akito is studying to enter a prestigious music college, but he begins to have doubts about his talent. One day, he meets Izumi, a deaf girl who plays in a street band. He is attracted to her positive nature, but his mother disapproves, fearing Izumi could hinder his success in "a world with sound." Reiko insists Akito focus on his piano, but her expectations burden him. Then Akito begins to question his mother's attitude towards life as well as his own when he discovers something new about her.
Sunshine Ahead
Yuri Kinjo
Based on a true story, "Sunshine Ahead" tells the story of environmentalist Koji Kinjo & his wife who embarks on a ambitious plan to create coral reefs in the sea. Although it takes the couple 10 years to finally succeed, they are able to persevere and become the first persons to ever spawn coral reefs.
The Laughing Policeman
Yuri Kojima
A cop chasing after a female cop killer, but then gets caught in a dark web of departmental corruption.
The Unbroken
Miki Mitsui
Onchi was exiled to posts around Asia and Africa due to his work as head of a labor union for National Air Line. He is ordered to return to head office after ten years, and continues to struggle. When a National Air Line plane is involved in the worst air disaster in Japanese history, he is assigned to console and provide restitution to the families of the victims.
The Wonderful World of Captain Kuhio
Shinobu Nagano
Set in the early 1990's, after The Persian Gulf War began, a 30 year old man passes himself off as Captain Kuhio a pilot for an American Special Unit. He also boasts that he is the offspring of Kamehameha I and a distant relative of Queen Elizabeth of England. In actuality, the man is a marriage swindler looking for his next big score.
Time Lost, Time Found
Shizuku Momota
A woman is forced to choose between her unborn child or medical treatment for re-occuring breast cancer. Shizuku, a talented surgeon, gets pregnant. In the past ten years of her marriage, she hasn't expected a baby because of breast cancer when she was young. She is pleased for the good news with her husband Ryosuke. However, soon after that, she has a relapse of breast cancer. This is the final chance for 38-year-old Shizuku to have a baby. However, she won't be able to raise her baby after the birth. Should she give up the baby and concentrate on medical treatment? Or should she give birth to the baby even if that may shorten her life? Shizuku is afflicted with the ultimate decision. Her life is filled with difficulties, but in the end, there is a big hope remaining.
Suspect X
Yasuko Hanaoka
El cuerpo de un hombre ha sido descubierto, estrangulado hasta la muerte, su cara pulverizada, haciéndola irreconocible, y sus huellas digitales quemadas como hasta crujir. Asignado al caso están el detective local de recinto, Kaoru Utsumi, y su ex colega de los cuarteles, Shunpei Kusanagi. Se descubre que el vecino de la ex novia de la víctima es un alumno universitario, físico brillante, Manabu Yukawa, también conocido como “Detective Galileo".
Otokotachi no uta
Collection of short films: Spaghetti Napolitan (Atsushi Kaneshige) 3:15 PM (Hiroyuki Nakano) Iron (Hiroyuki Nakano) Lighthouse (Hiroyuki Nakano) Fuji & Donuts (Yasuhisa Serizawa)
Detroit Metal City
Basada en el manga de Wakasugi Kiminori, dirigida por Toshio Lee y protagonizada por Kenichi Matsuyama (L en las películas de Death Note), "Detroid Metal City" cuenta la historia de un joven tímido que sueña con ser cantante "pop" y que encontrará en la música metal y el maquillaje una salida a la monotonía.
Maria (Voice)
Es el año 2077, ya han pasado diez años desde que Japón decidiera salirse de las Naciones Unidas para aislarse. Han bloqueado por completo las islas con un campo ultra-magnético que disuade a cualquier persona de intentar entrar adentro. Esto fue el resultado a la negativa a un tratado que la ONU había aprobado, el mismo significaba la oposición a continuar con el desarrollo bio-tecnológico ante el peligro que podría suponer para los seres humanos. Cuando la postura de Japón finalmente comienza a distanciarse del resto de países, el gobierno norteamericano envía un equipo fuerzas especiales, con la comandante Vexille al frente, y cuya misión es averiguar qué es lo que realmente esta sucediendo dentro del país asiático.
Shikyû no kioku
Born into a wealthy family, 17-year-old Masato (Emoto Tasuku) has never been deprived of material comforts, but his distant relationship with his parents leaves him empty and rebellious. Telling himself that his real mother is actually a woman who kidnapped him as an infant, Masato takes off to Okinawa to find her. Curious to learn more about her (Matsuyuki Yasuko), he ends up staying to work at her restaurant. As the two grow closer over time, an ambiguous relationship develops, not quite mother and son, not quite lovers.
Hula Girls
Madoka Hirayama
En 1965, la Joban Coal Mining Company, una de las grandes empresas mineras de Japón, fue obligada a reducir su plantilla, ya que el petróleo empezaba a sustituir al carbón como recurso energético, por lo que la minería dejaba de ser la industria clave. El pueblo minero de Iwaki y sus habitantes no fueron una excepción. A fin de salvar la crítica situación, la Joban Coal Mining Company emprendió el gran proyecto de construir "un paraíso hawaiano" en Iwaki. La atracción principal del parque temático era la danza hula. Se contrató a una profesora de Tokio para enseñar este baile a las hijas de los mineros. La maestra, antigua estrella de la danza y muy orgullosa de sí misma, menospreciaba la mina y a las chicas del pueblo por no saber nada del mundo del espectáculo, pero poco a poco fue reviviendo la pasión por el baile gracias al esfuerzo y ejemplo de sus alumnas en tratar de dominar la esencia de la danza hula.
Helen the Baby Fox
Ritsuko Ogawara
A young boy named Taichi Ogawara finds a fox cub on the side of the road and takes it home as a pet. He discovers it is blind, deaf, and mute. Because of this, he names it Helen, after Helen Keller.
Demon Pond
The modern-day story of a man searching for a friend who has mysteriously disappeared, with a magical tale involving strange creatures, a heartbroken princess, and a pact that can't be broken. Conflicts between faith and skepticism, and between social obligation and personal desire drive the narrative toward a dramatic conclusion where the worlds of the real and the surreal inevitabl
Kenichi Asakura is an uptight, hyper-square salesman. One day, three bank robbers commandeer his van. They are in hot pursuit of their fellow robber who has snatched the money. Unfortunately for the bank robbers, Asakura never drives over 40 km/h speed limit even under the extreme situation.
Emergency Room 24 Hours Special 2002
Tamaki Kosaka
After surviving from an incident of Cruise ship hijacking, both doctor Tamaki and the boy injured in the incident, Ryota Inamoto, suffered from different degrees of PTSD. Meanwhile, Doctor Chiharu Kanbayashi's wife is about to give birth to their first children. Would these doctors and patients succeed in overcoming their problems and welcome a happy new year?
Chûshingura 1/47
During Japan's feudal period, a noble lord was treacherously killed by a rival. His 47 samurai retainers took their revenge on their master's killer after scattering into society for several years, so as not to be detected. Having completed their task, all 47 then committed ritual suicide. This series, of which this TV movie is the pilot, follows the adventures of one of these samurai as he patiently waits for the chance to fulfill his destiny.
Another Heaven: La puerta del Infierno
Dr Sasamoto
Un par de policías de Tokyo están investigando un espantoso asesinato: después de matar a la víctima, el asesino abrió el cráneo y guisó su cerebro. A medida que tratan de localizar al asesino, descubren que, literalmente, todo el mundo es sospechoso. ¿Van a llevar el terror a su fin, o formarán parte de él?
Yuko Kirishima
A simple funeral turns a man's world Topsy turvy. He wakes up in a posh hotel room, totally clueless about how he got there. Slowly, he recalls what happened a day before.
劇場版 白鳥麗子でございます!
As an engaged couple, Shinichi Kida and Mari Egawa spend a romantic night on a premarital trip to the southern island, but Shinichi suddenly disappears the next morning. Mari searches for her classmates Yu Sawamoto and Shinichi who happened to meet again, but a large amount of insurance money was paid to Shinichi...
Patio: Part 2
May Mizushima
Patio: Part 1
May Mizushima