Sheila Burrell

Sheila Burrell

Nacimiento : 1922-05-09, Blackheath, London, England, UK

Muerte : 2011-07-19


Sheila Burrell


The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Demons of Deception
Lady #1
In the ninth film in the series, in September 1916, young Indiana Jones - going by the alias of "Henri Defense" - has become a motorcycle courier stationed near the trenches at Verdun. His friend Remy is still in the trenches, and both grow more disillusioned about the war each day. Chosen to sneak into enemy territory on account of his gift for languages, Indy overhears German officers speaking of the imminent arrival of their most powerful artillery guns, nicknamed "Big Bertha." A month later, Indy and Remy are granted leave to Paris, where Indiana meets the exotic dancer Mata Hari at a dinner party. He falls for her immediately, but soon finds out she is dating other men as well, including the French Minister of War.
La hija de Robert Poste (Cold Comfort Farm)
Ada Doom
Una joven que se desenvuelve a la perfección en la sofisticada sociedad londinense se queda huérfana de repente.Tendrá entonces que ir a vivir a una granja con unos parientes más bien toscos y adustos. En lugar de deprimirse por su nueva situación, la gran confianza que tiene en sí misma la lleva a poner en marcha una pequeña "revolución" que mejorará la vida de los miembros de su nueva familia.
Solo en la oscuridad
Lucas, un niño ciego de 11 años, sufre por la seguridad de su madre y de su amiga Rose, también ciegas, ya que un sádico anda suelto y ha causado ya varias víctimas. Lucas sospecha que se trata de alguien que los conoce bien, quizás el cerrajero local o el fotógrafo Tony. El padre de Lucas, Frank, es el policía encargado del caso pero parece que nadie entiende el móvil de estos crímenes.
American Roulette
Raul's Neghbour
Carlos Quintas, the democratically-elected president of an unnamed South American country, has been deposed by a military coup. He is in London, the head of a government in exile, rallying international support. He is also a poet of talent and reputation, in love with Kate, his assistant, who has a secret of her own and keeps Carlos at a distance. The generals have a team of professionals in London bent on kidnap and assassination. Hovering around Carlos are two Russians, who may be KGB, an American book publisher, who may be CIA, an elusive Brit, probably from her majesty's secret service, and his own few supporters. Is Carlos doomed? Whom can he trust?
The Trial of Klaus Barbie
Decades after the end of World War II, escaped war criminal Klaus Barbie is brought to justice.
Laughter in the Dark
Miss Porly
Swinging London en la década de 1960. Se ocupa del afecto de un hombre de mediana edad por una mujer muy joven, lo que resulta en una relación mutuamente parasitaria.
La marca de Caín
Emily Galt
La cruenta Guerra de Secesión Norteamericana acaba de terminar. Miles de soldados cansados y destrozados por la batalla se disponen a regresar a sus hogares, con la idea de encontrarlos como los han dejado. Pero después de estos años de lucha, el desorden se ha apoderado de gran parte de las ciudades y de los pueblos. El vacío de autoridad es evidente, y los delincuentes campan a sus anchas. En Texas, varias bandas organizadas de forajidos se aprovechan de la situación. Galt y sus tres hijos forman una de estas bandas. Se dedican al saqueo y al robo, algo que ya toman como una forma de diversión. Pero Galt tiene un cuarto hijo, llamado David, que no quiere unirse a las fechorías de su padre y de sus hermanos. David es un joven de buen corazón que sólo quiere vivir en paz junto a su esposa. El odio de Galt le conduce a asesinar a la esposa de su hijo, lo que provocará una violenta reacción de David.
Hell Is Empty
On the run from the police, a female thief and her band of robbers take refuge on a desert island where they discover a mansion inhabited by a family whom they take hostage. One of the robbers falls for the couple's daughter.
El alucinante mundo de los Ashby
Aunt Harriet
Los Ashby son una familia marcada por la tragedia y un cierto grado de inestabilidad mental. Todo empezó con la muerte de sus padres once años antes, en un accidente de coche, y el posterior suicidio de su hermano pequeño. De repente, la aparición de un joven que afirma ser el hermano muerto desata una crisis en el inestable Simon y la depresiva Eleanor. (FILMAFFINITY)
Women Without Men
In love with a man who wants to marry her after he returns from a trip to sea, chorus girl Angela Booth tries to quit her seamy job and become a model citizen. When her employer refuses to dissolve her contract, though, they quarrel and she accidentally hits him. He presses charges, claiming she hit him deliberately, and she is convicted and sent to prison. As her fiance is at sea and out of contact, she is terrified he will think she has jilted him when she does not keep a New Year's date. A kindly old convict, Gran', notorious as a prison-breaker, agrees to engineer an escape for Angela...
Colonel March Investigates
Joan Forsythe
This is a feature-length compilation of three short episodes taken from a TV series called 'Colonel March of Scotland Yard' (1954-56, 26 episodes) starring Boris Karloff as Colonel March, head of Scotland Yard's Department D.3, otherwise known as The Bureau of Queer Complaints.
Black Orchid
Caught in a loveless marriage, Dr. John Winnington (Ronald Howard) can't stop himself from falling for his wife's (Mary Laura Wood) younger sister, Christine (Olga Edwardes). But when he suddenly becomes the prime suspect in his wife's tragic murder, John relies on his friend Eric (John Bentley) to clear his name. This classic murder mystery encourages viewers to evaluate all of the clues and guess the killer's identity.
The Rossiter Case
Honor Rossiter
A husband cheats on his disabled wife--who has been paralyzed in a car accident--with her sister. When the sister is murdered he is accused of the crime, but it turns out that he may not be the killer after all.
Lorna Dawson
Canadian World War II veteran John Graham (Robert Preston) works in London as a code breaker. Tragedy strikes when his pregnant wife, Carol (Elizabeth Sellars), is accidentally run over by two crooks who are speeding away from the scene of a murder. Haunted, grieving, and thirsting for revenge, Graham sets out to find the two fugitive murderers.
The Man in Black
Henry Clavering suspects his second wife Bertha is trying to drive his daughter (by his first marriage) insane, to stop her inheriting his money. He decides to use his yoga skills to pretend to be dead, and thereby expose her villainy.