Manabu Akashi


Edo Porn
Jidaigeki de corte biográfico sobre Hokusai (1760-1849), pintor famoso por sus ukiyo-e (grabados a color japoneses que estuvieron de moda entre los siglos XVII y XIX). La película muestra la rivalidad de Hokusai con Utamaro, otro de los grandes artistas de la época, el esfuerzo de Hokusai para realizar las "36 visiones del monte Fuji", una de sus obras más conocidas, y su obsesión por pasar a la posteridad no por su obra paisajística, sino por ser capaz de plasmar en el papel la pasión femenina, para lo cual, y de la mano de su modelo favorita Onao, emprende la ejecución de su obra maestra: "El sueño de la mujer del pescador".
Nurse's Husband
Executive Producer
“Quit working as a nurse!” “All right, I will!” thus began the married life of Yasuo and Keiko. But the reality is harsh. Keiko even had to work on the first night after her marriage. Ten years later, the married couple is still at it. Yauso tends to the house and their children, while Keiko sacrifices family life for life as an overworked nurse. One day, after Keiko comes home utterly exhausted and dejected from her work, Yasuo makes up his mind and writes a letter of resignation in her place. Upon learning of this, Keiko angrily declares that nursing is what she lives for and she will keep on working. Realising that that is one battle he will never win, Yasuo sends a letter to a newspaper -- “Nurses’ husbands, aren’t you having a hard time? Get together nurses’ husbands. Contact me.” There is a tremendous response. This leads to the formation of many unions of nurses’ husbands throughout the country.
Tomorrow Evening
Executive Producer
Ayako is a 7-year-old girl with a dark, tanned face and a somewhat mysterious expression on her face. She shows up at the elementary school and acts strangely, but the children don't know her name and just call her "that girl". There are two groups of children at the elementary school, and the conflict between the groups intensifies...
Mi camino
Executive Producer
Drama basado en una historia real que gira en torno a una mujer que pasa nueve meses tratando de recuperar el cadáver de su marido, luchando sin desfallecer contra la burocracia y la indiferencia gubernamental a lo largo de todo el proceso.
Executive Producer
Shunkin es una maestra ciega de shamisen y koto (instrumentos musicales japoneses). Ella atormenta y tortura a sus estudiantes, incluyendo a su siempre fiel aprendiz/servidor/amante, Sasuke. Cuando uno de sus enemigos vierte agua hirviendo sobre su cara, dejándole cicatrices para toda la vida, Sasuke adopta todo tipo de medidas para asegurarse de no volver ya a ver la cara de ella. La historia es contada por su antigua criada, en un asilo de ancianos, a un investigador, personaje interpretado por el propio director sin acreditar.