A celebrated district attorney reflects on the way circumstantial evidence impacted a famous murder case.
A celebrated district attorney reflects on the way circumstantial evidence impacted a famous murder case.
A girl with a reputation falls for a wealthy playboy.
Additional Dialogue
Un zoólogo, millonario, deportista y celoso hasta la locura utiliza los animales del zoológico para eliminar a los pseudo pretendientes y no tanto de su esposa. La primera víctima aparece con los labios sellados para que «no bese nunca más a otra mujer casada».
Caballeros de buena posición económica son reclutados por Kay Everly para que participen en una partida de póker con Jerry Stewart, un jugador profesional. La partida está estrechamente vigilada por el detective Collins, pero no consigue pruebas que le permitan arrestarlos.
Caballeros de buena posición económica son reclutados por Kay Everly para que participen en una partida de póker con Jerry Stewart, un jugador profesional. La partida está estrechamente vigilada por el detective Collins, pero no consigue pruebas que le permitan arrestarlos.
Spanish-language version of The Big Fight (1930).
Theatre Play
Based on the David Belasco stage production of the Max Marcin play in which heavyweight-champion Jack Dempsey played the role of the fighter, Tiger: This "behind-the-scenes look of a heavyweight-championship fight" looks much like all of the other boxing films in which the Champ gets involved in a frame-up and is asked to take a dive.
Theatre Play
Kay Arnold es una cazafortunas que va de fiesta en fiesta con la intención de atrapar a un pretendiente rico. Jerry Strong es un joven procedente de una próspera familia que se esfuerza por tener éxito como artista. Lo que comienza como una relación de mutua conveniencia se convierte pronto en otra cosa.
Harvey Manning is placed on trial for the murder of Jack Winfield, his closest friend, whose body was found in the Manning home. During the trial, the prosecuting and the defense attorneys put forward sharply different versions of the character of Manning and his wife, Viola, and of the events leading up to the murder. The jury returns a verdict of guilty, but a young girl then comes forward and confesses that she killed Winfield for having wronged her.
Harvey Manning is placed on trial for the murder of Jack Winfield, his closest friend, whose body was found in the Manning home. During the trial, the prosecuting and the defense attorneys put forward sharply different versions of the character of Manning and his wife, Viola, and of the events leading up to the murder. The jury returns a verdict of guilty, but a young girl then comes forward and confesses that she killed Winfield for having wronged her.
We Americans was based on the Broadway play of the same name. Returning to the "melting pot" themes that he handled so well, director Edward H. Sloman concentrates on the trials and tribulations of three first-generation American families: The Jewish Levines, the German Schmidts and the Italian Albertinis.
Theatre Play
A young husband is left at home looking after a new baby when his wife leaves him to return to her career as a dancer.