Luigi Cimara

Luigi Cimara


Luigi Cimara


Escándalo en la corte
Viena, 1907. A pesar de haber sido desterrada, por sus indiscreciones, de la mansión familiar, una bella princesa austriaca (Sophia Loren) rechaza los proyectos de su madre que pretende casarla con un príncipe. Ella ha puesto sus ojos en un atractivo ingeniero americano (John Gavin) que está de visita y que cuenta con la aprobación de su padre (Maurice Chevalier).
El capitán fuego
A finales del siglo XIII, un pequeño río separa los territorios del Barón Oddo de Serra (Massimo Serato) de los del Conde Gualtiero de Roccalta (Herbert Böhme). Éste es un hombre generoso, mientras que el Barón es cruel con sus súbditos. Un día un hombre es suspendido cazando en las tierras de Conde, pero éste en lugar de condenarlo lo deja libre. El hombre empieza por lo tanto a ayudar a todos los que cruzan el río para librarse de los abusos del Barón y se gana el apodo de Capitán Fuego (Lex Garker)). El Barón para vengarse hace asesinar el Conde y para conseguir que Elena, la hija del Conde (Rosanna Rory), se case con él, acusa el Capitán Fuego. Éste con la ayuda da sus protegidos consigue demostrar su inocencia y vence al Báron. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Boatman of Amalfi
Sir White
"Antonio" leaves his family to live a prosperous life with Cristina. Her family live in a slum where their lives are complicated by young love and jealousy. A letter from a local priest that implicates "Antonio" in the murder of an English nobleman comes to light and soon they are all before the King.
100 Years of Love
Count Ubaldo di Lucoli (segment "Pendolin")
Six episodes (adapted from as many short stories: Gozzano, D'Annunzio, Guido Rocca, Marino Moretti, Alba de Céspedes and Oreste Biancoli), six love stories set in different moments in italian recent history.
Mario, un joven estudiante de familia aristócrata, se enamora de Lulú, una joven cantante de Cabaret. Una noche cuando el estudiante está en casa de la chica, llega de improviso su protector y tranquilamente entrega las llaves del apartamento a Mario, en el que había mantenido a la muchacha y se marcha. Mario, quien había creído ingenuamente en la honestidad de Lulú, abandona la ciudad algo trastornado, aunque vuelve. Mientras tanto, Lulú se va a vivir con sus padres, una pareja pobre de dudosa moralidad. Un día, Lulú le hace saber a Mario que está embarazada, a pesar de las objeciones de sus padres, Mario se casa con su amante y mientras continua sus estudios en Milán, la pareja de va a vivir a una cabaña que les deja su abuela. Pero Lulú pronto encuentra su solitaria vida insoportable y mantiene una relación con un hombre mayor. Mario, que ha ido a Milán, por la muerte de su padre y avisado por una carta anónima, regresa a la cabaña inesperadamente y descubre a su rival.
The Lucky Five
Four poor fellows win a luxurious car in a lottery but they have not the money to keep it. Therefore they decide to have it a day each and sell it afterwards. Everyone will spend his own day with the car and get some gratification. Some will get it, others will not. And the fifth poor fellow?
Times Gone By
il signore nell'auto scoperta
A number of different segments taken from 19th century Italian stories.
Adam and Eve
Il fiore sotto gli occhi
Il commendator Sanna, editore
Sant'Elena, piccola isola
Il maresciallo Bertrand
L'amico delle donne
conte De Ryon
Luna di miele
Validità giorni dieci
conte Matropoulous
After finding a train ticket on the ground, the young Paolo decides to go by train to Venice, where he meets Clara, a beautiful girl.
Dora Nelson
A humble girl looks so much alike a capricious movies star that she gets to replace her both on the set and in her private life. A remake of a French comedy from 5 years before.
L'aria del continente
Peppino Patrone
Gli ultimi giorni di Pompeo
La damigella di Bard
Marchese di Pombia
Venice Film Festival 1936
Loyalty of Love
Hot on the heels of Dinero ed Amore, Loyalty of Love was the second of two Guido Brignone-directed films released within same week. Like the earlier picture, Loyalty is a historical drama. During the period in which Italy was under Austrian rule, Count Federico (Nerio Bernardi) fights tirelessly to free his people from oppression. The Count's wife Teresa (Marta Alba) remains loyally by his side, even when he is unfaithful to her, which is often. Federico doesn't realize how important Teresa is to him, nor how much he loves her, until it's almost too late. At time of the release of Loyalty of Love, star Marta Alba had transferred her base of operations to New York, where she starred in Broadway production of Tovarich.
The operator
direttore dei telefoni
Two different couples on blind dates get mixed up when they pick the same location to meet.
The singer Cécile Hervey celebrates great achievements, while her sister Elda lives quietly with her aunt Claire on land. Elda is engaged to neighbor Bruno Leveson, but is irresistibly attracted by his brother Raoul, which she will marry. Raoul cheats on her, even before the marriage, with her sister Cecile.