The plot follows Timothy Gedge, a socially inept yet intrusive teenage boy as he wanders around the dull seaside town of Dynmouth, spying on the town's residents. At first this behaviour is seen as merely annoying, even comical, until people begin to realise that his purpose may not be as innocent as initially thought.
William Frankenstein
A scientist who is obsessed with creating life finally does it, with tragic results.
A young woman moves into a hippy commune and spends an idyllic summer with the young brother of one of the residents.
El planeta Krull es atacado por un monstruo y todo un ejército de alienígenas asesinos. Para hacerles frente, dos naciones enemigas deciden juntar sus fuerzas uniendo en matrimonio al príncipe Colwyn y a la princesa Lyssa, pero el día de la ceremonia el palacio es asaltado, la princesa secuestrada y Colwyn herido. Lo primero que debe hacer el príncipe es encontrar una espada voladora con poderes extraordinarios que le servirá para encontrar a la princesa y librar al planeta de la amenaza de la bestia.
. Boy Speer
A dramatization of the life of Albert Speer, Hitler's young architect and onetime confidant, and his meteoric rise into the Nazi hierarchy. Based upon Speer's own monograph of the same title.