When a photo-journalist vanishes while covering an African civil war, a roll of film holds the only clues to his disappearance. Following the trail found in the photos, a veteran reporter finds himself in the middle of events as they escalate into war, leaving him with two deadly and disastrous options...
When saxophonist Mike Teller's brother Mackie is killed before being able to deliver $500,000 to mob boss Jack Fisher, Mike is arrested as an accomplice and thrown into prison for five years. Upon his release, he finds Fisher has kidnapped his wife, Lisa, believing Mike has the stolen drug money. With the help of Mackie's old Vietnam war buddy, Harry Crawford, Mike and Harry rescue Lisa, but now have to escape the clutches of the mob in Harry's remote cabin. Will Jack Fisher retrieve his money or will Mike get his revenge?
Laura Warner
A large motor yacht becomes the focal point in this action tale when a group of mercenaries decide to capture the vessel. The original owner, who was delivering it to Sydney, Australia, is believed dead but is in fact very much alive, and determined to recover the yacht...
Cuando el agente de la CIA Michael Smith es capturado por el enemigo durante la Guerra Civil de Angola, su padre contrata a un grupo de mercenarios para la misión de rescate.
Annie Maartens
Bikini Girl (segment "I'm Not Home Right Now")
Get Out of My Room, was a mockumentary in the style of This Is Spinal Tap, written and directed by Cheech Marin. In the film, he and Tommy Chong are shown attempting to finish a "video album" for their novelty record Get Out of My Room.