Massimo Bonetti

Massimo Bonetti

Nacimiento : 1951-03-28, Roma, Lazio, Italy


Massimo Bonetti
Massimo Bonetti


Italian Horror Stories
Mai per sempre
Cani di strada
A summer evening, a recently concluded rock concert, three strays in the dark of the night: an immigrant peddler with a valid residence permit expiring, an unemployed anarchist and Leila, a firefly without light. Their story is cut short by the senseless violence of two Nazi skins. But friendship continues to run in a yellow van, emblem of their freedom ... beyond darkness, beyond death.
Credo in un solo padre
Guiseppe Bianco
Falcino, a small town in the south of Italy. No one sees. No one hears. Nobody talks. But everyone knows. And so they all become accomplices of a tragedy against women, against kids, against a family. A story of violence and slavery. Indifference is stronger than their conscience. Maria, a young mother of a family, lives with her husband Gerardo and her two children, Rocco e Carmela, on her father-in-law's farm: "grandpà" Giuseppe. Gerardo decides to emigrate to Austria to earn more money so as to allow a more comfortable life for the family. This absence will be the beginning of a nightmare that will lead Maria and her daughter to be victims of abuse of an unscrupulous ogre (monster).
Il signor Diavolo
Giudice Marino Malchionda
Italy, 1952. A government official arrives in a rural town to investigate a shocking crime: the murder of a child by a young boy who claimed to have killed the Devil himself.
Cattivi & Cattivi
La settima onda
La settima onda
Il mondo di mezzo
Una nobile causa
Si vis pacem para bellum
Lacrime di San Lorenzo
You Can't Save Yourself Alone
Gaetano y Delia son una pareja separada que intenta recoger los pedazos de su amor roto, recordando todas los fallos y los errores que los llevaron a donde están ahora.
The Broken Crown
A crime drama directed by Ruben Maria Soriquez.
Dylan Dog - Victim of Circumstances
Adele is suffering from a terrifying recurring dream; a dream that often borders on reality, and even enters it in the form of horrible visions which climax during an evening stroll in the center of Rome. The medical findings don't reveal anything noteworthy and her brother, who was with her that evening, is diagnosed with a simple seizure. Faced with a general skepticism, Adele has no other choice but to turn to the unconventional, so she decides to seek out Dylan Dog - a paranormal investigator
Massimo, il mio cinema secondo me
Fragments of footage, unpublished snapshots and interviews with friends and colleagues. A tribute to the actor, director and producer Massimo Troisi, to celebrate what would have been his sixtieth birthday.
Il mistero di Laura
Do it for Dad
The Big Heart of Girls
Umberto Vigetti
Carlino Vigetti is pushed by his family to court the daughters of the Osti, landowners. But the return of their third daughter, the beautiful Francesca, will shatter the plans ...
5 (Cinque)
Il figlio più piccolo
Unscrupulous businessman Luciano reconnects with his estranged family from a previous marriage, only to use their youngest son, awkward and starry-eyed Baldo, as the fall guy for his failing holding company.
Il Lupo
Il Lupo
Dir. Stefano Calvagna’s third feature is inspired by the real events in the life of Luciano Liboni, aka "The Wolf." A freewheeling interpretation of the character, here renamed Franco Scattoni (Massimo Bonetti), the film highlights the ups and downs of a rough and violent man, whose behavior borders on madness and is worsened by epilepsy. Il Lupo feels he has nothing to loose. Diving headfirst into a life of crime, he ends up killing a gas station attendant in Perugia in 2002. He then kills a young "carabiniere," and becomes a wanted fugitive. A case study in human behavior’s violent patterns framed as a psychological thriller and police story, this controversial film has been praised for the uncompromising realism of its disturbing narrative.
Concorso di Colpa
Roberto Melchiorre
Maria Goretti
Maria es una niña italiana nacida a finales del siglo XIX, que pertenecía a una familia muy humilde. Un sacerdote los ayudó bastante, de manera que Maria se hace muy católica, pues ve que la Iglesia ayuda a su familia. A pesar de ser pobre, lo cierto es que Maria es una adolescente muy guapa, por lo que un chico que trabajaba con ella se enamoró perdidamente. Él la buscaba constantemente, pero había prometido morir antes que cometer un pecado. Un día que estaba sola, el chico aprovechó la circunstancia para intentar llevarse a María a una habitación, con la finalidad de forzarla. Ella se negó, por lo que recibió catorce puñaladas, que causaron su muerte un día después. Con el tiempo, la Iglesia la convirtió en santa, siendo venerada por muchos italianos en la actualidad. A su fama contribuyó que su madre defendiera al asesino de su hija cuando éste salió de la cárcel, afirmando que si su hija y Dios lo habían perdonado, ella también lo hacía.
Senza Paura
Guardia giurata
Senza Movente
Commissario De Paola
Giallo based on the true crime of Rita Squeglia, who killed her lover and hid the body in a suitcase.
Notes of Love
A woman suffering from compulsive-type psychological problems falls for an older divorced neighbour. Will her love be returned? A slow story of confusion and loneliness.
Bakunin's Son
Giacomo Serra
Based on a novel of Segio Atzeni. By a lot of interviews, usualy contradictory, it discovers the many lifes of Tullio Saba, a Sardinian miner, thief, singer, union organizer, rebel...
The annual film festival in Venice is, of course, an ideal place to make a film (how come no-one has thought of it before). Everything is there in Pupi Avati's Festival: the famous hotels Des Bain and Excelsior on the Lido, the shimmering sandy beach which captivated Visconti. The film was made last spring and exploits the presence of passing film stars such as Jack Nicholson. We see the hysterical press conferences, where journalists and experts ask intelligent questions-without listening to the answers.
Allullo drom
Giovanni Falcone
Ninni Cassarà
The shy and awkward Latin professor Alessandro falls in love with a psychologist spying on her from a hole made in a wall.
Gli assassini vanno in coppia
Quite a few decades ago, the Italian immigrants in this movie came to live in the Venezuelan countryside. They have settled in a region dominated by a crusty local aristocrat, and over the years they have had many encounters with him. It is finally time to take stock of their successes and failures and to decide whether to remain in Venezuela or return to Italy. The immigrant family is headed by a strong-willed and very earthy woman, and her evolving relationship with the aristocrat determines the outcome of their deliberations.
La bocca
Fabio Mari
A young restorer is commissioned a job at an old villa which belongs to an aging countess.
El sol también sale de noche
Prince Santobuono
Un joven e idealista campesino se hace soldado, llega a ser cortesano y, finalmente, ingresa en un monasterio. A través de la vida del protagonista se realiza una incisiva crítica de las instituciones y de la sociedad italiana en todos sus niveles.
Il colore della vittoria
Luigi Allemandi
Women in Arms
The Story of Boys and Girls
At a farmhouse, a large family cooks mountains of food for the next day's engagement party for Silvia and her city fiancé, Angelo. Her parents feud about infidelity; an aging salesman who rents a cottage from them arrives with a young French woman; in Bologna, Angelo's mother frets that her son is marrying beneath him; his sisters are less critical. Early the next morning, the four of them go by train to the farmhouse, joined by Angelo's married, unpregnant sister. The day-long dinner is riotous, couples display affection and impatience, children chase angels. Angelo's family stays the night, and his sister Linda has a visitor. A silver elephant makes the perfect gift.
The Last Minute
Emilio Boschi
The ways of the Lord are over
A troubled love between Camillo, psychosomatically ill, and Vittoria, a French girl who is about to marry another. Camillo is assisted by his brother Leone whose only purpose in his life is to look after him and has the company of a friend he met on a pilgrimage to Lourdes, Orlando, who is truly paralyzed. The two friends, very different from each other, are very close until the situation becomes complicated: Camillo, hoping for a rapprochement with Vittoria, gets well and without his friend's knowledge starts walking again, while Orlando unexpectedly falls in love too. of the girl. Camillo ends up in prison where he remains paralyzed again for two years, Vittoria leaves Italy for Paris. Camillo gets out of prison thanks to the help of his friend Orlando, became a major player in the fascist party. Finally free and definitively cured, the young man joins Vittoria in Paris. Love has healed and saved.
Saro (segments "Mal di luna" and "Colloquio con la madre")
Adaptación cinematográfica de cinco hermosos relatos del escritor seciliano Luigi Pitandello.
La noche de San Lorenzo
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). En la noche del 10 de agosto de 1944, día de San Lorenzo, los vecinos de un pueblo toscano huyeron a las montañas para evitar ser bombardeados por las tropas alemanas.
La batalla de las estrellas
Lt. Vassilov
Una nave espacial investiga un planeta fuera de control y descubre un grupo que controla una civilización subterránea.
Los jóvenes leones (Batalla de gigantes)
German Soldier
Una historia de como la Segunda Guerra Mundial afectó las vidas de unas familias, una alemana y americana la otra, ambas tenían hijos y padres que luchaban en la guerra.
La caseta de la risa
secondo culturista
Summer Sunday at a small beach house at the coast of Rome. Many people and stories: women's basketball team, two sports-obsessed soldiers, two men with their girlfriends and the priest with a big secret, an elderly couple with their pregnant granddaughter, and engagemented couple wanting to have sex for the first time.
Cosmos: Situación límite
Member of Hamilton's team
La agotada tripulación del arrogante Capitán Hamilton está a punto de volver a casa tras una misión de explotación estelar, pero la destrucción de una nave espacial terrestre tras la aparición de un OVNI les obligará a investigar un planeta desconocido hasta entonces, donde vive una raza que sobrevivió a un apocalipsis provocado por la rebelión de una máquina todopoderosa.
El cínico, el infame, el violento
Leonardo Tanzi, cansado de su trabajo de inspector trabaja ahora corrigiendo novelas policiacas. Luigi Maietto, alias "El chino" sale de la carcel y quiere vengarse de Tanzi, que fue el que lo metio allí, enviando a dos matones para hacer el trabajo, estos fallan, pero la policía declara publicamente al policía como muerto. Tanzi decide irse a Roma, pero allí la delincuencia es muy grande, El chino se alia con el capo Frank Di Maggio, aunque ninguno se fia del otro...
Con la ley y el hampa
Purse Snatcher
El comisario Sarti excarcela al ladrón de poca monta Monnezza para que le ayude a localizar a una niña gravemente enferma, secuestrada por un mafioso.