Marian Hailey


Sufridos ciudadanos
Jack's Wife
Donald Quinelle, un exitoso ejecutivo de ventas, es despedido por culpa del loro de su jefe justo el mismo día en que Sonny Paluso ve cómo su gasolinera salta por los aires. Mientras comparten sus penas en una cafetería, los dos neoyorquinos desarman al aspirante a bandido Jack Locke, con lo que se convierten en héroes mediáticos de la noche a la mañana. Rápidamente van a descubrir lo que significa intentar sobrevivir en un mundo totalmente desquiciado.
The Mating Season
They say opposites attract, but could a romance possibly develop between an attorney, successful at work but unlucky in love, and a divorced man whose main interest is birdwatching?
The Seduction of Joe Tynan
Sheila Lerner
Respected liberal Senator Joe Tynan is asked to to lead the opposition to a Supreme Court appointment. It means losing an old friend and fudging principles to make the necessary deals, as well as further straining his already part-time family life. But it could be a big boost to his career, so he takes it on. Helping him prepare the case is pretty southern researcher Karen Traynor, and their developing relationship further complicates and compromises his life.
Myrtle Mae Simmons
Elwood P. Dowd's constant companion is Harvey, a six-foot tall invisible rabbit. To his sister, his obsession with Harvey has been a thorn in her plans to marry off her daughter. However, when she decides to put Elwood in a mental institution, a mix-up occurs, and she finds herself committed instead. It's now up to Elwood and "Harvey" to straighten out the mess.
The Impatient Heart
Nellie Santchi
A social worker has problems in her private life.
Amantes y otros extraños
Mike Vecchio y Susan Henderson están ultimando los preparativos de su enlace, pero parece que serán los únicos felices el día de la boda...
An unwed mother-to-be marries a total stranger so he can avoid the draft. She now has a father for her child and he doesn't have to go to Vietnam. But this marriage-of-convenience leads to a romance between the two.