Thilo Prothmann

Nacimiento : 1975-09-16, Aachen, Germany


Die verkaufte Prinzessin
Miner Volkar
Alle in einem Boot
A group of actors are rehearsing an historic escape from Germany of 1939: The Cruise Liner St. Louis is on its way to Cuba, 900 Jewish refugees on board. Cuba denies access. On board: Paul, Elsa and their son. Do they have to return to Germany again and probably die? A group of today refugees from Africa, fleeing from war and death in Syria, enter the theatre. They are supposed to work here as extras. A culture clash begins and becomes a crossover story between escape 79 years ago and today.
Julia muss sterben
Frank Weiler
What a curious plan of Lya. Putting sleeping pills in the morning tea of her father. Pulling the sleeping wheelchair user to the vegetable store of her brother and attending secretly the acting exam. And all this only because Lya thinks that eight years of caring for her father where enough tribute to the family.
Un fin de semana de agosto
Bernd Möller
Felizmente casada con Thomas, su hija recién salida a la universidad, Katja enseña matemáticas y música en la escuela primaria local. Su vida parece perfecta. Hasta que un encuentro casual pone su mundo patas arriba. El mismo fin de semana que su familia está fuera, conoce a Daniel, un tipo atractivo e inquisitivo, que viaja con mochila por Alemania. Un periodista de viajes, de paso, acampa en su césped. Se conectan. Ella encuentra fascinante su estilo de vida independiente y despreocupado. Le cuenta sus viajes. La hace sentir viva, despierta sus esperanzas y sueños juveniles. Ahora los viejos lamentos regresan rápidamente. Después de tres días emocionantes, se enfrenta a la decisión: ¿irá con él o se quedará en su propio y pequeño mundo seguro?
Una mujer atraviesa un fin de semana lleno de altibajos tras un diagnóstico impactante, según el cual le queda menos de un año de vida
Full Moon
Konrad Heiland
Lara was severely traumatised as a child and every day this trauma catches up with her. During a photo session, she falls in love with Conrad, a writer who has just been released from prison. What Conrad doesn't know is that everyone around her knows the burden Lara lives with. Her uncle Markus resorts to drastic means to save Lara and risks losing her forever.
Your Will Be Done
Bernd Trampe
Para Johannes y Lydia Klare, su fe en Dios es lo primero. Juntos lideran una pequeña comunidad en Stuttgart, con éxito. La gente los escucha, se están acercando más y más a ellos. Incluso hay planes para hacer que la comunidad financiada por los donantes sea mucho más grande gracias a las generosas contribuciones de Volker. En primer lugar, la pareja tiene puntos bastante diferentes, más urgentes para atender. Cuando un día observan a Simon, el vagabundo sin hogar de la calle, que va y viene en crisis relacionadas con las drogas, se lo llevan un rato. Juntos quieren ayudarlo de nuevo en el camino correcto. Pero no son solo las drogas las que causan conflictos. La homosexualidad de Simon también presenta a los dos con un gran desafío, ya que no es tan fácil unirse con su fe.
Ein Schnupfen hätte auch gereicht
At the height of her career, the well-known comedy and TV star Gaby Köster suffers a serious stroke. However, the multi-award winning artist does not give up, fighting back despite many ups and downs.
Bienvenidos a Alemania
Kurt Blümlein
Una familia acomodada de Munich acoge a Diallo, un refugiado nigeriano que pronto se gana el cariño de la familia. Sin embargo, la familia se ve puesta a prueba cuando tienen que enfrentarse al racismo, la burocracia y las sospechas.
guter Deutscher
Call Me Helen
Helge Schott
Is. This. My. Son? No matter how often Tobias Wilke poses this question, there's always only one answer: Yes! Tobias, can't believe his eyes when he comes to the airport to pick up his 17-year-old son Finn – and learns that Finn is now calling herself Helen and wearing girls' clothes. Finn/Helen reveals that she's always was a girl, and that she used her year abroad in San Francisco to pass the "everyday life" test. This is required by law for everyone preparing for the sex reassignment surgery they will undergo upon reaching majority. Reactions from Helen's friends, acquaintances and schoolmates cover the entire gamut from derision to solidarity. Especially Helen's father, a well-known chef, finds it difficult to accept a situation he cannot understand. But Helen nearly always finds the right words - and humor - to counterbalance the ignorance and jeers of those around her. It is the beginning of a long, winding road towards the sexual identity she is convinced is hers.
The Cuckoo and the Donkey
Conrad Weitzmann
When his mother dies, unlucky writer Conrad Weitzman wants to film the love story of his parents. It even seems, that editor Stuckradt Halmer is keen on the idea. Years after years of mailing and revisions the original story is hardly to recognize anymore and the production is still not in sight. Without further ado Conrad kidnaps the editor with the help of his father and the obscure world of German television network starts to unravel in front of him.
History of Hell
A German documentary studying concepts of hell developed over time in Christianity, Judaism and Islam, often overlapping -but not in Catholicism- with purgatory. Special attention goes to 'physical' methods of torture in the afterlife, as in Dante's Inferno. Their inspiration stems partially from judicial torments, as used during the Inquisition to redeem 'Satanic' sinners, from witches and heretics to mere gay people. Also treated is hell's theological and 'educational' meaning.