Niki Cipriano

Nacimiento : 1999-05-10, Detroit, Michigan, USA


Born May 10 Niki Cipriano grew up in Metro Detroit. At the age of 11, she performed on stage in her first theater performance. Niki has appeared in several independent feature films and short films. She has also appeared in television episodes, commercials, clothing catalogs and music videos, including "Lost In The Echo" by the band Linkin Park.


Never Can Say Good-bye
Sara Jane
Have you ever met someone and suddenly felt love or hate? Did you wonder why? What if you had forgotten the reason? Would you want to remember if it could save you life? Elizabeth was asked by her mentor to teach a writing course at a small college. Since she never forgets a kindness, she reluctantly agrees. Arriving in town, she instantly regrets her decision. She wants to run, but she is honor bound to stay. Even as the ghost of a small child begs her to forgive, the memories of another time arouse feelings of hatred that she doesn't understand and cannot control. When she meets Shane, all of their lives are thrown onto a dangerous collision course from which they can neither run, nor can they hide. The question is, "Can they overcome their tragic past or will they be doomed to repeat it?" Love can be a blessing or the curse that destroys a town.
Mayhem Park
Young Rachel Leno
An innocent family's youngest brother is accused of local mass murders. Someone must step in to solve this mystery and stop this lunatic. Who will it be? Watch and find out!
Mettle of Honor
When a gang of kidnappers takes their young hostage to an abandoned building to await a $100 million ransom, a homeless Vietnam vet who lives in the building becomes her only hope for salvation.
Hectic Knife
Girl in park
A put upon, knife wielding vigilante, Hectic Knife protects the city from scum, baddies and a new super villain bent on world domination, Piggly Doctor.
Beyond The Walls
A girl faces losing a college scholarship after a sports injury until she gets help from a team of professionals.
En el ojo de la tormenta
Sister of Graduate (uncredited)
En el transcurso de un solo día, la ciudad de Silverton es azotada por una serie de tornados sin precedentes. Toda la ciudad está a merced de ciclones erráticos y mortales, mientras que los cazadores de tormentas predicen que lo peor está aún por llegar. La mayoría de las personas buscan refugio, mientras que otras corren hace el vórtice, poniendo a prueba hasta dónde está dispuesto a llegar un cazador de tormentas para conseguir esa foto única que sólo se hace una vez en la vida. Contada a través de los ojos y de los objetivos fotográficos de cazadores profesionales de tormentas, aficionados en busca de emociones y valientes vecinos de la ciudad, “En el ojo de la tormenta” te lleva directamente al ojo de la tormenta para experimentar lo que ofrece la Madre Naturaleza en sus momentos más extremos.
Lost In Detroit 2
Natalie Wilson
The sequel to the award-winning short film "Lost in Detroit" picks up with Leah (Maria Wasikowski) looking for a place to park to meet her friends at the Tigers game. Worlds collide as Natalie (Niki Cipriano) and Monica (Michelle Cohl) make their escape and look to Maria for safety. With a gang of deranged lunatics hot on their trail, running through the streets of Detroit looking for anyone who can help is their only hope.
I Carry the Gift
Paige Cullin
Adam Cullin is a well-intended family man whose journey in life is de-railed when he finds himself trapped somewhere between the spiritual world and reality. Watch as he struggles to cope and tries to piece together his life as it crumbles down around him. Is his "supportive family" the real cause of his pain?
Eternal Torture
Domestic violence that began hundreds of years ago cripples a modern day family,brought to its knees under the pressure of generations of mental and physical abuse. A new generation of children struggle to survive this Eternal Torture.
Lost in Detroit
Natalie Wilson
A film crew working on a 48 Hour Film project in Detroit goes missing. Some found footage surfaces on a SD card and tells the gruesome tale of what happened to the film crew and actors that fateful day.
Trouble Summer
mean girl
Four kids decide to break into the school after school ends for the summer.
Dead Quiet
Nick and his girlfriend have to spend a night in their newly inherited abandoned building downtown, to disprove the stories of it being haunted to an interested buyer.