Christopher Weite


Sobrevivencia del brote
Después de que un brote infeccioso hace que la gente se haga la rabia llena y caníbales, un grupo de sobrevivientes debe entender cómo pasar. Los infectados no son la única amenaza aunque. Después de la caída de sociedad, la gente comienza a perder su humanidad, ya que estos tres se esfuerzan por agarrarse a suya.
Zombie Killers: Elephant's Graveyard
Black Eye Zombie
Un virus ha reanimado a los muertos y han sobrepasado a la humanidad en todo el mundo. Pero los habitantes de un pequeño pueblo llamado Elwood han logrado no sólo sobrevivir, sino prosperar ante un terror inimaginable.
When a troubled teen is pushed too far, he takes action into his own hands. The prank he plans ends with the death of a young one! Months pass and everyone acts as nothing happened. Soon their actions will end deadly and end with his laugh.
Sin sufrimiento
Waiter (uncredited)
Ante la muerte de su novio, Emily entra en un estado catatónico de donde solo la sacará la doctora Thorne. Pero la salvadora pronto se volverá enemiga y desarrollará una enfermiza obsesión que la llevará a secuestrar a la joven.
Reality Bleed-Through
The world is coming to an end. A mysterious drug called Sister Salvation has taken over the country. The drug promises its user the chance to be blasted into the sun to talk to "God". A war broke out that resulted in the overthrowing of the Government. During the war the environment was severally damaged to the point if people go out during the day the sun cooks them alive. On top of that a mysterious plague has been killing millions. The last days of humanity will be told through a series of anthology films, each one featuring 3 different stories about a different group of people that will reveal new aspects in the story.