"Losing The West" is a documentary film that promotes small ranching and farming, as told through the eyes of a 70-year-old Native American cowboy. The film was shot primarily in Colorado. The director was born in Denver and owns a small ranch near Ridgway, Colorado.
A documentary about the bluegrass band The Dillards.
Original Music Composer
Love From Ground Zero follows three strangers across the back roads of America with the ashes of a mutual friend. Using a series of old postcards as a map, the threesome drive from New York to Montana retracing their friend’s journey “out west” years before. As they try to make sense of the untimely death, they are forced to face the realities in their own lives that have brought them down this unpredictable road.
Original Music Composer
Hewey Calloway, un vaquero que siempre ha llevado una vida errante, al darse cuenta de que el país está cambiando vertiginosamente, siente que necesita el amor de una familia. (FILMAFFINITY)
Steve Martin's first network special for NBC offers part concert footage (shot at the Universal Amphitheatre in Los Angeles) and part sketch comedy.