Arthur B. Rubinstein

Arthur B. Rubinstein

Nacimiento : 1938-03-31,

Muerte : 2016-04-23


Arthur B. Rubinstein


The Men Who Made the Movies: Samuel Fuller
Original Music Composer
Samuel Fuller discusses his career as a filmmaker, illustrated by plenty of clips.
Apariencias engañosas
Tim y Barry no habían vuelto a verse desde que ambos fueron expulsados de la academia de la policía. Ahora sus vidas han cambiado mucho y Barry, harto de su empleo, decide ir a California a visitar a su antiguo amigo que ahora lleva una lujosa vida: varios coches, una gran casa, bellas mujeres, amigos, caprichos... pero éste desaparece misteriosamente y se le da por desaparecido en un accidente de barco. Entonces Barry decide hacerse pasar por él para esclarecer el misterio...
Rodando la guerra
Original Music Composer
Producido por Steven Spielberg y presentado por Tom Hanks, este documental narra cómo los fotógrafos de guerra se enfrentaron a los horrores que contemplaron tanto en Europa como en el Pacífico durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
El cuarto poder
Con las elecciones presidenciales en ciernes, cuatro periodistas de diferente procedencia son seleccionados para una mesa de debate decisiva con los dos candidatos en cabeza. Durante la preparación del programa, los cuatro especialistas descubren una información trascendente y confidencial acerca de uno de los candidatos, aunque tras considerarlo deciden conservar el secreto dentro de la mesa de reuniones y jamás revelar dichos datos. Sin embargo, convencidos de que el país debe conocer los abusos contra mujeres por parte de uno de los dos potenciales presidentes, realizan preguntas durante el debate que presionan cada vez más al candidato... hasta que éste acaba derrumbándose incapaz de defenderse. A partir de ese momento, la vida de los cuatro periodistas cambia por completo y, convertidos en estrellas de los medios, deberán hacer frente a su conciencia y a las consecuencias de su acto público...
The Ruby Ring
A magic ruby ring transports fifteen-year-old Lucy (Emily Hamilton) one hundred years back in time to a castle, where she's a servant girl. Christian Anholt, Emma Cunniffe, Gillian Kearney, Judy Parfitt and Rutger Hauer costar in this enchanting family film.
Dead Man's Island
Original Music Composer
Henrietta O'Dwyer Collins, called Henrie O., is a world-famous journalist and writer. She's invited by her old lover Chase Prescott to his secluded island home. Chase, a wealthy businessman with money woes, hopes Henrie O. can discover the person he thinks is trying to kill him. It seems like she has her work cut out for her. Possible suspects include Chase's much younger wife, his son, and many others.
Double Jeopardy
A naive 16 year old waitress falls for a corrupt, married police officer. When she falls pregnant, her lover plots her murder.
A la hora señalada
Original Music Composer
Gene Watson (Johnny Depp), un contable viudo, y su hija de seis años son secuestrados en la estación de tren de Los Angeles por unos impostores que se hacen pasar por policías. Sus secuestradores entregan a Watson un arma y le ordenan que cometa un asesinato en un plazo de noventa minutos, si quiere recuperar a su hija con vida.
Hart to Hart: Secrets of the Hart
Set in San Francisco, Jonathan and Jennifer Hart are faced with the prospect of being reunited with Jonathan's long lost sister, and her nephew. Is it possible that Jonathan will finally discover a key to his past or will the "family" turn out to be after something, putting Jonathan and Jennifer in danger's past one more time?
En el punto de mira
Original Music Composer
Secuela de "Stakeout" (Procedimiento ilegal), de nuevo Dreyfuss y Estévez son dos detectives de Seattle asignados, esta vez, a la vigilancia de un testigo que ha escapado. Su trabajo se complica cuando son ayudados por una torpe pero bienintencionada ayudante del fiscal -Rosie O'Donnell-.
When No One Would Listen
Jessica has been married to her controlling husband Gary for years. The abuse only gets worse when she gets a job at a bakery and makes two really caring friends: her co-worker and neighbor Lee, and her boss Walter.
Danielle Steel:  Secretos
Original Music Composer
Basada en la novela de Danielle Steel. “Manhattan” es la nueva serie de televisión creada por Melvin Wechsler, un hombre curtido por la tragedia y el éxito que va a reunir en torno a él un magnífico grupo de actores, quienes protagonizan una apasionante aventura humana entre Los Ángeles y Nueva York, en la que la realidad y la ficción se entretejen inevitable y apasionadamente. Un mundo de lujo y sofisticación en el que las tragedias privadas y los deseos más escondidos acabarán trascendiendo el cerrado ámbito del plató para alterar profundamente las vidas de los protagonistas.
Barbara Stanwyck: fuego y deseo
Original Music Composer
La actriz Sally Field repasa la dramática vida y la exitosa carrera profesional de la magnífica actriz Barbara Stanwyck (1907-90), una leyenda de Hollywood.
Colegas a la fuerza
Original Music Composer
Nick Lang es un famoso actor que necesita desesperadamente acabar con su imagen cinematográfica de niño bueno. Piensa que conseguirá un papel de valiente detective de homicidios si logra hacerlo en la vida real. Con ese objetivo, Lang se va de Hollywood a pasar unas semanas en las calles de Nueva York con el detective John Moss. Moss es un enérgico policía que se toma su trabajo muy en serio. Ahora le sigue la pista a un despiadado asesino en serie, y lo último que necesita es llevar a cuestas a un pesado. Pero su jefe, admirador de Nick Lang, insiste, y Moss tendrá que pensar cómo quitarse a Lang de encima mientras persigue al asesino.
Murder Times Seven
Original Music Composer
For the third time, Lieutenant Janek is forced to face alone a difficult case, which has some brutal murders that way involving some bigwigs of the underworld. The case is complicated by the fact that one of the victims is his friend Ray Kiley. During the investigation Janek finds out that Kiley worked for counterintelligence.
Myrna Loy, la esposa de América
Este documental desgrana la vida y filmografía de esta artista que comenzó su carrera en las postrimerías de la época de cine mudo y que se convirtió en una gran estrella admirada en todo el mundo. Nunca fue nominada al Oscar pero recibió uno honorífico en 1990 a toda su carrera.
La gran estafa (El desagravio)
Neil Skinner (Pierce Brosnan), quien fue en su momento un consultor de seguridad en las carreras de San Diego, es ahora un ex-convicto, a quien su ex-socio Ebbet Berens (Tom Skerritt) le tendió una trampa. Ebbet controla ahora la seguridad de las pistas junto a la ex-novia de Neil, Sheila (Wendy Hughes). Neil querrá vengarse de ellos, y solicita la ayuda de un conserje, un guardia de seguridad y un conductor de ambulancias. El dinero cambia de manos, los coches se persiguen en la frontera con México y es una lucha para ver quién se saldrá con la suya.
In 1962 in Montgomery, Alabama, State Attorney Richmond Flowers, Sr. is one of few willing to fight racial injustices even if it costs him his family's peace.
Internal Affairs
A skilled police detective in a case involving the strange, sadistic murder of a young prostitute who has been killed in exactly the same fashion as a young nightclub singer in Saigon during the Vietnam War. At the same time, the detective attempts to ferret out corruption in the police ranks.
Original Music Composer
A British movie star falls for an American diplomat. Unfortunately, he is still married...or so she believes. It turns out that his claims of marriage are just a way of ensuring his bachelorhood.
Nightmare at Bittercreek
Original Music Composer
In a deadly battle for survival, four women are hunted by a ruthless group of killers they accidentally stumble upon while camping.
Odio en el viento
Original Music Composer
Basado en un caso real de 1925, en el que dos grandes abogados argumentan a favor y en contra de un profesor de ciencias acusado del crimen de enseñar la evolución.
Procedimiento ilegal
Original Music Composer
Dos policías intentan detener a un peligroso criminal que ha escapado de prisión. Para ello, montan guardia enfrente de la casa donde vive su esposa, una guapa mujer que casualmente conoce a uno de los detectives.
Roses Are for the Rich
In a small town in Appalachia, Autumn's young husband is killed in a suspicious mine explosion. She vows vengeance on mine owner Douglas Osborne and dedicates her life to destroying him, even at the cost of her own happiness. When her attempts at financial ruin fail, she manipulates Osborne into marriage by claiming she is carrying his child. After Osborne dies from cyanide poisoning, Autumn is arrested for his murder, but she professes her innocence.
The Betty Ford Story
Original Music Composer
This biographical film was based on the book The Times of My Life written by Chris Chase and Betty Ford.
Love Among Thieves
Original Music Composer
Caroline DuLac, a baroness and concert pianist, steals three jewel-encrusted Faberge eggs from a San Francisco museum. The eggs were demanded as ransom for her kidnapped fiancé. She boards a plane for the Latin American city of Ladera, as per instructions, and is met by Mike Chambers. Caroline first believes that Mike is one of the kidnappers, until a mysterious man in a trench-coat tries to kill her, and Mike comes to the rescue. They are then both captured by a band of Mexican bandits, who also may or may not be part of the scheme.
Perdidos en América
Original Music Composer
El publicista, David Howard (Albert Brooks), no obtiene el puesto de vicepresidente en la compañia en la que trabaja y decide renunciar. Convence a su esposa Linda (Julie Hagerty) que haga lo mismo, venden su casa, sus acciones y se compran un vehículo recreativo para recorrer los Estados Unidos. Aunque se creen unos verdaderos aventureros la verdad es otra... Con sus ahorros de 145.000 dólares guardado en un lugar muy accesible, hacen su primera parada en Las Vegas.
El ladrón y la estrella
Original Music Composer
Para saldar una deuda, un hombre se ve empujado a robar unas joyas, pero todo se complica cuando se enamora de la dueña de éstas.
The Parade
Original Music Composer
When her estranged, drifter husband Matt returns after spending seven years in prison to ask her to let him be a part of her life again, Rachel Kirby's life is thrown into turmoil, which also affects her teenage daughter and mother.
El contrato del siglo
Original Music Composer
Un importante hombre de negocios cree que podrá hacerse multimillonario traficando con armamento de segunda mano. Para su desgracia, en la organización que dirige reina el caos, y el material es pésimo. Por si esto fuera poco, los clientes no son, ni mucho menos, los deseados. (FILMAFFINITY)
Juegos de guerra
Original Music Composer
A David Lughtman, estudiante de diecisiete años, le han suspendido varias asignaturas. Pero haciendo uso de su gran habilidad con las computadoras, logra cambiar las notas y aprobar el curso. Un día, jugando con su máquina, David entra en contacto con "Joshua", la computadora del Departamento de Defensa de los Estados Unidos, y decide "jugar a la guerra". El muchacho cree que es un juego más pero, sin darse cuenta, desafía a "Joshua" a un escalofriante juego de guerra termonuclear mundial. Entre las dos máquinas planean desplegar todas las estrategias y opciones para una Tercera Guerra Mundial.
El Trueno Azul
Original Music Composer
Los Ángeles, California. El oficial Murphy, un veterano piloto de helicóptero de la Policía Metropolitana que sufre un grave trauma debido a las duras experiencias que vivió durante la guerra de Vietnam, y Lymangood, su ingenioso nuevo compañero, reciben el encargo de probar un avanzado y fuertemente armado helicóptero experimental conocido como Trueno Azul.
Not Just Another Affair
Original Music Composer
A lady marine biologist, determined to save herself until marriage, meets a handsome attorney who is not used to being rejected sexually, and it becomes a battle of wills as to who will emerge the winner.
Gangster's girlfriend hangs out in a Las Vegas hotel with her cop protectors while she waits to testify.
Rivkin: Bounty Hunter
A New York-based bounty hunter who makes a living chasing and capturing bail jumpers matches wits with a heavily-armed drug dealer in this pilot to a prospective series.
The Phoenix
A godlike being, discovered in an ancient sarcophagus in the plains of South America, is brought back to life and must learn to cope with today's society while using his extraordinary powers to combat evil. This variation on the "Superman" theme served as the pilot to the short-lived series (1981-82).
On the Right Track
Lester is a homeless shoeshine boy living in a railway station. He's got this funny knack for picking the winning horses' names out of the paper while shining shoes. When word gets around, though, everyone wants a piece of the action.
A series of freak accidents on the Los Angeles freeway traps a cast-load of familiar TV faces in an astounding traffic tie-up, with the entire system caught in a gridlock that John Beck, as a traffic expert, endeavors to unsnarl.
Portrait of a Rebel: The Remarkable Mrs. Sanger
The dramatized biography of Margaret Sanger, the crusader who founded America's first birth control clinic during World War I and was tried in court under obscenity laws.
Aunt Mary
The true-life drama about a handicapped Baltimore woman living on welfare who organized a sandlot baseball team and ended up coaching more than 50,000 boys and girls over nearly 40 years.
Portrait of a Stripper
A young widow, supporting herself and her pre-teen son by performing as a nightclub dancer, finds the place turned into a strip joint and learns that her father-in-law is trying to prove her an unfit mother.
You Can't Take it With You
Original Music Composer
Emmy winner Jean Stapleton and Academy Award winner Art Carney star in the Pulitzer Prize-winning comedy by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart about a slightly daft family who do exactly as they please.
The Prince of Central Park
Original Music Composer
A lonely widow who frequents Central Park becomes emotionally involved with two orphaned youngsters who have built an oasis for themselves there after fleeing from a foster home. A young Brooke Shields made her TV acting debut in a small role.
Addie and the King of Hearts
Addie becomes jealous when her widowed father starts to woo a beautician.
The Easter Promise
Addie and her friends are excited over the visit of a celebrity, a local woman who became a successful Broadway actress and has returned home for a short time following the death of her mother. She brings the woman home for the family Easter celebration, and the little girl's concern and kindness help the woman see the promise of better days ahead.
The Thanksgiving Treasure
Addie tries to invite her father's sworn enemy over for Thanksgiving dinner in the hopes of ending their long-standing feud.
The Men Who Made the Movies: Howard Hawks
A documentary filmography of Howard Hawks, including lengthy footage of Hawks himself discussing his films and many clips from his best-known pictures.
The House Without a Christmas Tree
A young girl named Addie, living in Nebraska in 1946 wants nothing more for the holidays than a Christmas tree, but her widowed father, is bitter and refuses due to events from the family's past.
Original Music Composer
Elwood P. Dowd's constant companion is Harvey, a six-foot tall invisible rabbit. To his sister, his obsession with Harvey has been a thorn in her plans to marry off her daughter. However, when she decides to put Elwood in a mental institution, a mix-up occurs, and she finds herself committed instead. It's now up to Elwood and "Harvey" to straighten out the mess.
The Price
After the Great Depression, Victor Franz gave up going to college to support his father. After 30 years, Victor returns to sell his parents’ estate. His wife, Esther, his brother, Walter, and a canny furniture dealer have their own agendas. Victor must finally deal with his sacrifice.
Fatal Friendship