Stella lives in Genoa with his sister and his alcoholic stepfather. His is not an easy life, and that to remain divided between his work in the harbor by day and dancer by night, despite his dream of becoming a professional dancer gives strength to continue. However, later the death of his mother is forced to put aside their aspirations.
Silvia Soriani, viuda de un comerciante asociado a la camorra, es arrestada por la policía. El comisario Puglisi y el juez Corelli le acusan de colaborar con el mafioso Franco Maresco. En la carcel conocerá a tres presas, Anna, Giulia y Elvira, que han sido también víctimas de Maresco. A partir de este momento las cuatro mujeres aunarán esfuerzos para encontrar al camorrista y asesinarlo.
Claudia is your typical thirtysomething urban woman going through a life crisis. She is a hypochondriac with a stressful job and a boring partner. Her unlikely saviour is none other than her mother, a former hippie who gives her an amulet that belonged to her great-grandmother.
Luca, un niño huérfano de madre y del que su padre reniega, es acogido en la Florencia de los años 30 por Mary, una dama inglesa. Ella forma parte de un grupo de mujeres anglosajonas con mucha clase que quedan de forma habitual para tomar el té y que aman la cultura. La llegada de Benito Mussolini al poder las desconcierta hasta el punto de que deciden reunirse personalmente con él para asegurarse de que el fascismo no perjudicará sus intereses.
A beautiful wife of good social standing falls into a flaming passion with a young man. Sooner than expected, she will be unable to terminate the liaison. It will follows that her husband is not wanted. And you can be sure she's not considering divorce as a solution.