Después de robar un banco, matar a varios habitantes de la ciudad y secuestrar a la bella Maruja, los ladrones se esconden en una mina. Dos individuos de diferente catadura les siguen, uno en pos del dinero, el otro de la justicia...
Un botánico demente logra un gran avance científico: germina un árbol carnívoro que adquiere un gusto trágico por la sangre humana. Para conservarlo con vida, le da de comer a jóvenes turistas.
American Dexter travels to Turkey on behalf of a US client in order to put an end to the drug gang leader Ismail. Dexter brings the beautiful blonde Janet as an erotic bait. Ismail shows great interest in Janet, but Dexter suspects he has been double crossed by his American client.
During WWII The German 'Wehrmacht' is heavily under fire after the invasion of Normandy. There are also a lot of women participating in the war, working at the front line as couriers for the air force. In this war, everyday, they put their lives on the line.