Todd Antonio Somodevilla

Todd Antonio Somodevilla


Todd Antonio Somodevilla


Sí, Dios mío, sí
Director of Photography
Después de que una charla en un colegio religioso comience a tener tintes racistas, una joven católica es descubierta mientras se masturba. Sus tutores hacen todo lo posible para que la joven suprima sus necesidades más básicas, amenazándola con perder la gracia de Dios para toda la eternidad si no cambia sus hábitos.
El Hombre que mató a Hitler y después al Bigfoot
Second Unit Director of Photography
Calvin Barr es un legendario veterano de guerra estadounidense que, décadas después de servir a su país durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y asesinar a Adolf Hitler, debe ahora cazar al Bigfoot, una criatura mitológica que vive en los bosques de Canadá.
¿Podrás perdonarme algún día?
"B" Camera Operator
Sigue la historia de Lee Israel, una respetada biógrafa en decadencia que comienza a falsificar cartas de escritores y celebridades fallecidas con el fin de pagar el alquiler. Cuando las falsificaciones empiezan a levantar sospechas, Israel roba y vende las verdaderas cartas de los archivos sin saber que el FBI está investigando el asunto.
Camera Operator
Biopic del famoso mafioso estadounidense John Gotti (1940-2002), jefe de la familia Gambino, una de las más importantes del crimen organizado en la Norteamérica del siglo XX.
Bernard and Huey
Two old friends reunite, which causes complications.
Yes, God, Yes
La quinceañera Alice siempre ha sido una buena católica, pero cuando un inocente chat de AOL se torna particularmente picante, acaba repentinamente obsesionada con la masturbación.
Elsie Hooper
Director of Photography
In the sleepy town of Campbell Falls, Ridley Hooper awakens to discover that his little sister has been stolen by an army of creepy Shadowmen. Arming himself, Ridley embarks on a terrifying adventure to rescue Elsie Hooper...
Beyoncé: Live in Atlantic City
Director of Photography
Live in Atlantic City, que contiene imágenes en vivo del programa de residencia de cuatro noches de Knowles, Revel Presents: Beyoncé Live en mayo de 2012 en Revel Atlantic City, fue lanzado como parte del conjunto de dos discos del comunicado de prensa doméstico de Life Is But a Dream el 25 de noviembre de 2013. Contiene las presentaciones en vivo de 21 canciones junto con una nueva canción, "God Made You Beautiful".
Sea Pavilion
Camera Operator
An innocent picnic turns surreal when curiosity leads to the uncovering of secrets hidden in the decrepit ruins of a seaside pavilion. A young couple learn that some dark corners should not be revealed in the light of day.
Sea Pavilion
An innocent picnic turns surreal when curiosity leads to the uncovering of secrets hidden in the decrepit ruins of a seaside pavilion. A young couple learn that some dark corners should not be revealed in the light of day.
Sea Pavilion
An innocent picnic turns surreal when curiosity leads to the uncovering of secrets hidden in the decrepit ruins of a seaside pavilion. A young couple learn that some dark corners should not be revealed in the light of day.
Sea Pavilion
An innocent picnic turns surreal when curiosity leads to the uncovering of secrets hidden in the decrepit ruins of a seaside pavilion. A young couple learn that some dark corners should not be revealed in the light of day.
Sea Pavilion
An innocent picnic turns surreal when curiosity leads to the uncovering of secrets hidden in the decrepit ruins of a seaside pavilion. A young couple learn that some dark corners should not be revealed in the light of day.
Sea Pavilion
An innocent picnic turns surreal when curiosity leads to the uncovering of secrets hidden in the decrepit ruins of a seaside pavilion. A young couple learn that some dark corners should not be revealed in the light of day.
The Life of the World to Come
Director of Photography
The Mountain Goats in solo and duo performance at Pomona College. In this film by Rian Johnson, John Darnielle performs The Life of the World to Come on piano and guitar. Shot in the same building where, as an eight-year-old piano student and new transplant to Claremont, he performed Bach minuets for the state examiner, The Life of the World to Come takes the songs from the album and restores them to their raw original states: skin, blood, and bone.
The Quiet One
Director of Photography
A lonely woman orders a friend in the mail.
Building Brick
Building Brick is the Behind the Scenes documentary for the film Brick (2006). Brick was written and directed by Rian Johnson in San Clemente, CA in 2003. The film stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Nora Zehetner, Lucas Haas, Noah Segan Building Brick was filmed and edited by L Jean Schwartz (Disclaimer: I shot most of this footage when I was 17 with my family camcorder, edited it when I was 19, and this is not a very high res version, but it has only been available on the German DVD so I wanted a way that my friends could see it) Also, I am endlessly immensely grateful to Rian Johnson for giving me the opportunity to be part of Brick.
Lou Reed: Walk on the Wild Side
Director of Photography
Written 30 years earlier, Lou Reed’s hymn celebrates five flamboyant characters, each one a fragile icon from Andy Warhol’s Factory: Holly Woodlawn, Candy Darling, Joe Dalessandro, Joe Campbell (aka Sugar Plum Fairy) and Jackie Curtis. Over five delicate tableaux Stéphane Sednaoui films these young people proudly displaying their sexuality and creativity, each one dreaming of becoming a star on the New York scene.
Pol Pot's Birthday
Director of Photography
The office staff of the most brutal dictator on earth attempts to throw their boss a surprise birthday party.
Evil Demon Golfball from Hell!!!
The Thief
A man is tormented by a seemingly possessed golf ball.
The Quest for Sleep
The Quest for Sleep is a documentary that follows real characters whose struggles with sleep threaten to unravel their waking lives. The character of “Sleep” narrates, acting as a poetic and insightful foil to our cast, and leads the audience to experts who illuminate the science behind how we sleep and what keeps us awake. Powerful 3D animation takes us inside the brains of our characters as the stories playing out in their lives echo across their synapses.