Steve Siddell


Morton (voice)
DC Douglas (Transformers: Rescue Bots), John Viener (Family Guy) y Beau Marie (Fright Night) protagonizan la película que sigue al Santa titular: con la intención de convertir a los "Naughty-Listers" en buenos, Santa se convierte en un superhéroe apodado Santaman. Cuando un complot malvado complica su misión, Santa debe unirse a dos niños con llave para encontrar una manera de detener al último "Naughty-Lister" antes de que la Navidad desaparezca para siempre.
Rover (or Beyond Human: The Venusian Future and the Return of the Next Level)
In their dilapidated church headquarters, a dispirited cult awaits the sign to off themselves. Their hapless leader, Dave, concocts a plan: to quell infighting and give them purpose in life, he fakes a prophecy instructing them to make a movie and share their story with the world. They don't know the first thing about film production, but in making the movie the cult members find a uniting purpose. Then, just as they hit their stride, Dave receives a true prophecy. It's time for them to "exit."