Steven Duffy


Feliz Navidad
Francia, 1914, durante la Primera Guerra Mundial. En Nochebuena, un extraordinario acontecimiento tiene lugar en la sangrienta tierra de nadie que los franceses y los escoceses disputan a los alemanes...
Love or Money
Two young people, Daniel and Samantha, are selected in a television show to marry. They have never seen each other ever. After the wedding ceremony took place on television, then married life really starts. To collect the price money of one million pounds, they have to stay together for at least six months.
Gregory's Two Girls
Local Casting
Twenty years after his teenage crush on a football-mad schoolgirl, Gregory is back at his old school, teaching English. When two of his pupils uncover evil practices at a local factory they want their teacher to help them expose the wrong-doer, who happens to be Greg's old schoolfriend.
Vidas Enfrentadas
Bobby Maclean
Retrato de una familia trabajadora con tres hijos en el Glasgow de 1968, centrada, especialmente, en el hijo más pequeño, de 13 años, y su introducción en el mundo de las bandas de delincuencia locales.